Guess Benghazi
was a cover up because pals John McCain and Lindsay Graham say it is so. Also,
Fox News says the Generals Petraeus and Allen are indicative of wholesale
skullduggery in the military as condoned by the Commander in Chief; merely
because they say so. Oh, and Romney claims Obama bought the election with largess to key demographics. Guess he’s right because he would know; after all
he raised hundreds of millions of dollars to fund super-PAC ads and smear
campaigns. He would know how that is done, right?
Actually, the election did provide some clarity. Republicans didn't pay attention to changing demographics in the country: African-Americans
make up at least 13% of the population; Hispanics add up to nearly 17% of the
population; foreign born residents of America total almost 13% of the
population; citizens under 18 years of age make up 23.7% of the population
while those people 65 or older account for 13.3%, leaving 63% between 18 and 64
years of age. And the numbers are changing steadily toward youth due to
immigration, and Hispanic and Asian groups growing to further dilute the
African-American portion of the population.
All of these demographics favor big-issue, big-idea
candidates. Those folk tend to be Democrats, not Republicans. Inclusion is one
of the big ideas actively repulsed by Republicans. They practically worked 24/7
to make each of the smaller demographic elements enemies of Republicans. That
is not the way you win elections, folks.
Economic opportunity is not the message of conservatives. It
is, however, the message of Democrats. Education is the core support beam of
that economic opportunity. Without knowledge and intellectual training the
person cannot compete in a world of rapidly changing technology, science and
applications of logic in the marketplace. Republicans tout capital and
financial leverage; Democrats teach personal investment and responsibility to
attain dreams.
The 1% cannot control the other 99% unless they buy them.
But there really is not enough money to do that from the Donald Trumps of the
world. Besides, Trump doesn't really own his wealth; his portfolio is on paper
based on loans from other capitalists so he can build his buildings and play
his power games. He is a paper tiger with a very bad hairdo. Entertaining to be
sure; but that’s about all!
John McCain has done little with his life except be in the
military, get shot down over Viet
Nam and run for political office. He cheated
on his wife and then married into wealth. From there he has done little but
posture as a patriot while tearing down those who do accomplish much and are
true patriots. McCain is an impostor an aging one, who has little to offer the
nation but an image of an old white man desperate to find relevance. Too bad;
his anthem has been sung.
Lindsay Graham is another pretender to the throne without a
chance of achieving it. He attached himself to McCain when John ran for
president. Graham attempted to advise McCain on international affairs but didn't do well as McCain didn't catch the cues in time and made a foolish
spectacle of himself.
No. Republicans don’t have much to offer the nation because
they are focused not on the nation but on their own egos and self importance.
Should they deign to actually research the issues and attempt to solve them for
the good of the nation, they might learn what the Democrats already understand:
the country is tired of obfuscation and petty diversion.
Sometimes an extramarital affair is just that. Poor judgment
maybe, but the individual is acting out messages from the groin rather than the
brain. When the brain is functioning on message, they do great work. Focus on
that Lindsay and John. Focus on Petreaus’ phenomenal record of achievement.
Understand that he is a fallible human like you, John, who had an affair and
threatened his marriage. Should we dump
you based on that, John?
And let’s see Petraeus and Allen must have had some
responsibility for Benghazi ,
too? If not, why not? Like UN Ambassador Rice, they were on duty when the
Libyan mission was firebombed and four staff were slain. These killings couldn't be because of Al Qaeda terrorist action coupled with the confusion of
the Middle Eastern riots caused by a failed movie trailer designed to heat up
anti-American sentiment in the Middle East ?
No, I guess that scenario is not as valuable to you as a faked-up conspiracy
theory that you can mold to your political purposes!
John and Lindsay. Give it up. Pay attention to the needs of
the nation and stop trying to find political booby monsters hiding under your
beds. This is grown up time. We need adults to tend to the nation’s
business. Apparently you are not up to
it. Too bad. We could use some help here. Even from the likes of you.
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