Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fun and Silly

A few Fun and Silly Items.

Winter approaches. So do the Holidays that most of us really feel good about. We’ve been through the hell of an election season that lasted maybe 4 years?! Are we tired and fed up yet? Yes, I thought so!!

So, to lighten the mood here are a few thoughts to brighten your outlook.

First, Maxine of the comics avers:

            “At over two dollars, a cup of Joe
             Should at least go by ‘Joseph.’”

Give a shout out or an Amen on that!

Katharine Hepburn reminds us:

            “If you always do what interests you,
             At least one person is pleased.”

Ahhh, individualism!!

Katie Stephens had this to say on the Internet the other day:

            “It all makes sense now: Gay marriage legalized on the same day as marijuana
             Makes perfect biblical sense. Letivicus 20:13: ‘A man who lays with another
             Man should be stoned’. Our interpretation has been wrong for all these years.”

Hmmm. Thank you, Katie, I think.

Again from the internet:

            “Water is the most essential element of life, because
             Without water you can’t make coffee.  True Story!”

And without coffee… know the rest.

From a website entitled comes this admonition and request:

            “I want a hug.

             But not just a normal hug. NO. I want one of those pick-me-up-off-
             Giggle-stupidly kind of  hug.”

So there! That’s some kind of hug, hey?

Now, go back and re-read each one and spend a little time just musing over them. If these few minutes don’t put a smile on your face, I’m not sure what will!

Enjoy. See you tomorrow.

November 15, 2012

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