Monday, January 14, 2013


Much wisdom if found on the internet. Quotations, adages, parables, poems, bold statements…whatever shape they take the words are simple. Basic.

Such simplicity makes for bold statements. A cause for pause. A moment to think. Just on the thought immediately in front of the eyes. Important? Or not? A building block I should save for later? Or of immediate use?

Here’s one from ‘’ (whatever that is!):

            “Three simple rules in life:
1.      If you do not GO after what you want, you’ll never have it.
2.      If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.
3.      If you do not step FORWARD, you will ALWAYS be in the same place.”

I do not know the web site where this quotation came from. Nor do I know the context of the quotation. On its own surface, however, it makes sense. Time will test its elements but basically it is a simple truth.  We will not acquire what we want if we don’t pursue it. The pursuit alone helps define what it is we want. The effort fine tunes the definition. When we have ‘it’ we will know it because we have pursued it. It did not drop into our lap. Had it dropped into our lap chances are great we wouldn't know what it is. The act of going after the dream defines it so it has meaning in our life.

OK. With that as prologue, asking for something means I’m forming the knowledge of what it is I’m asking for; if it is to be had, I may achieve it provided I seek it, ask for it and pursue it. If I don’t try for it the unanswered question is always a negative; no.

And finally, to get somewhere other than where I an at the present moment, I have to move. Walk. Step. Jump. Leap. Move form here to somewhere. Without the movement I  remain in the same place.

So if I’m unhappy with my life or the present circumstances, I need to do something about it. Define what I want. Pursue it. Dare to ask for information, help or guidance. Then take action. Move. I’m on my way to fulfilling the dream!

I think this is a basic truth we often forget – or at least allow the busy-ness of life to shroud. We lose sight of our dreams. We become fixed in present circumstances. We do not break out of what is holding us back.

If you are young you may not have the basic knowledge you need to form the basis of your dream. That alone is a major task to tackle. But it will not get done unless you begin to fill in the pieces of the puzzle.

I’m spending time with a small youth group, middle teenagers. I am beginning to remember what it was like to not know enough of life to help me figure out what it is in life I wanted. Building blocks of understanding were missing. How frustrating! To them. To me as I recall it now.

How did I fill in the blanks? How did I ever have the patience or drive or motivation to seek the ‘more’ in life without stumbling over booze, drugs, conformity, crime, destructive behavior…all the rest of the youth mine field?

I kept my nose clean and pursued education. I read. I sought answers to the questions the reading raised. I asked questions of elders, teachers, friends, family. Little by little the pieces took shape. A sense of future possibility, of potential came into being. I tested it. Some parts I didn't like so replaced them with new portions of different dreams. Eventually a larger dream took form.

Today the youth group challenges me to reconnect with the process of the past. I understand a little of their pain and frustration. I can get why they don’t think they have a problem although each has been placed in this group because they were caught using alcohol, driving while under the influence or using/possessing drugs. Whether ordered into the program by a parent or a court, they are being challenged to regain control over their lives without the behavior of alcohol or drugs. Some of them resent being in the program. They don’t have a ‘problem’ to repair, or so they say. If I can’t get them over that one basic hurdle, I will have no positive effect on their lives.

That’s the challenge. There are breakthroughs of tiny consequence. But breakthroughs nonetheless. I will keep trying. Perhaps they will know I’m trying to hear them?

January 14, 2013

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