Normally when I write this blog I have an idea in mind. A
specific idea that will take me on a short journey of logic in which the words
seemingly write themselves, arrange themselves on the page. It’s fun and
usually a little surprising where I end up! But that’s not how this blog began.
No. This one began all on its own. With a wondering sigh and
a little bit of mystery, this blog started with ‘why?’
I didn't know then what the ‘why’ was about, but as the
sentences took shape a point was hinted at. It was mine to discover, of course,
and in time I did!
You see the mind is not all logic. It is meaning, however;
definition of things; sense and shape and feel of things. Snuggle of bits and
pieces together until they form a thought, a phrase. You get the idea. Random
sensations rummaging about the brain case until they break out in some sort of
conjunctive articulation.
You will note I rarely pay much attention to punctuation.
This has bothered some people – readers – but then that amuses me. Sort of like
sport, don’t you know? Especially for someone like me who cares not a whit
about sport – you know, the activity with balls, and nets, and bats and rackets
and all that sort of thing. No, sweat for me centers not on physical exertion
but rather on mental effort. Struggling for just the right thought. Perhaps
finding a phrase that fits just the right time and space about a topic of
importance. Of course, what is important at any given time continues to escape
Anyway! Back to the purpose of this blog today.
I wanted to write something that would capture your
imagination. Hopefully I do that each day, but I know I miss that level of
performance more often than I’d like to admit. Sometimes, however, I surprise
myself. That is not an admission of mental brilliance, rather it is a statement
that admits that sometimes I make more sense than I thought was in me!
Not to sound humble or anything, I rather wanted to plumb
some topics that would hit on interesting anomalies. So I wondered about these
topics which quickly morphed into titles for future blogs or books – or
something! Look them over a bit and see if you get what I mean:
Government overreach?
Did you hear what he said? Gossip and its importance
What’s real, what’s false, er un-real? Well that’s a topic
pregnant with possibility!
Managing the economy by people who know what they are doing!
Managing the economy by the people who screwed it up in the
first place!
Getting my head around a mass of confusing facts, factoids,
and nerds!
Book titles and life as we know it!
Fun, funny and amusement; they don’t all mean the same – at
all, at all!
Well, let’s see if I can get this discussion under control.
Ah! Another topic: National Discussion on (you pick the topic) guns, public
debt, private debt, ideology, public decision making, politics…….the options
are endless. But what discussion? What we have are roaring yelling matches
smugly disguised as debates, only they are not debates at all. Debates get
somewhere and score points. Rules of engagement are followed. I don’t see any
rules at all let alone their being followed!
Oh, OK. I've got the topic for this day’s blog. It is
government overreach and how that term is defined. The only problem is I've run
out of space for now and will actually get to it tomorrow.
See you then?
January 7, 2013
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