Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Word on Dogs

Rocky caught this quote on the internet the other day and shared it with me. It is too good to pass up!

            “They don’t care what car you drive.
             They don’t care who you know.
             They don’t care what you wear.
             They don’t care where you live.
             They only care that you’re there.”
                                                ~Alanna Chasin, aka The Dog Buddha

Refreshing purpose dogs have on our lives. They love unconditionally. We say we do but often are diverted by so many other concerns and worries. Oh we care! We really do! It is just that we don’t take the time to feel it more deeply.

A quiet Sunday afternoon, or a dawdling winter evening we can easily take time to ponder our dog. They are there when you need them. They give attention and love to you when they know you need it.

Remember the last time you were sick? Was your dog close by throughout your misery? Did he or she nap in the folds of your lap, or next to the length of your leg? Snug and warm. Safe and at peace. To calm you. To heal you. To comfort you.

Our dog attends us well. She is small but her heart is large. She likes to stay put or visit only a few houses with people she knows are related to us! And where other family dogs reside. One of her best friends is an aging Maltese – Junior. They are like an old married couple. Like bookends they sit on the stoop together and watch chipmunks go to and fro, their heads moving in unison to follow the little furry friends. Shoulder to shoulder they sit and watch the world go by. Together and unconcerned. Ready to minister to their masters’ needs.

They heard us watching! They turn together toward the door and scamper to be let in. their noses cool and moist nuzzle our hands and legs at the ready. They return to be where we are.

May 1, 2013

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