Wednesday, May 15, 2013


There are those in America who think having a gun will make us safer. Those same people often believe that if everyone has health care it will destroy our nation. Hmmm?

A disconnect exists in that logic.

On another matter ponder this:

            “The United States is
                        -22nd out of 24 in OECD rankings for child health
                        -27th out of 30 in OECD rankings for child poverty
                        -1st in the world for megabank CEO compensation

If kids had as much lobbying power as Wall Street, maybe this would look differently?”

On still another issue think about this:

            “The Benghazi Cover Up?

Not to make light of the tragic loss of life, but only four Americans were killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack, and Republicans are so convinced it was a massive conspiracy that they have turned the subject into a Watergate-style witch hunt.

Now consider that the GOP didn’t make a single peep when no WMDs were found in Irag (and that manufactured war has cost trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives). Neither did any Republican lawmakers raise any eyebrows when 64 diplomatic targets were attacked during the Bush years.

            Let’s just spell it out like it is: Today’s GOP is a bunch of hypocrites.”

All of these quotes point out the obvious politicization of important issues America needs to work on and solve. None of these issues are the sole cause of one political party or the other, or one politician or another. They are real problems that affect America’s future. Our future.

When will we hold our elected officials accountable for doing their jobs? When will we demand they manage these problems, all of our collective problems, to a successful resolution? These problems may be the ‘fault’ of some of these parties. Or maybe not!  Who cares?  At this point the issues are serious and potentially crippling.

It is time state legislatures and Congress accept their duty and do the work required of them. If not they should stand down and let others step up to the plate.

I did not write the following; it was found on the internet. But I feel it is powerful to share at this time:

“There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough.”

The real question at this time: Have we had enough gridlock?

Rather than arguing who is to blame for a problem, let’s accept a problem exists. Then measure it and understand it well enough to design a solution. Let’s do this together so we have a collective investment in the solution. Then let’s implement the fix.

If there are those who cannot get beyond party label and ideology, remove them and continue our work toward resolution. Together we can make a difference. Together we can invent solutions that work and retain human dignity. All we lack to move in this direction is our will to do so.

I’m ready. Are you?

May 15, 2013

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