Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Just When I was Hoping…

A national poll was recently taken by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. They asked the public which president in the past 25 years they most admired. The responses: 42% Bill Clinton, 18% Barack Obama, 17% George W. Bush, and 16% George H. W. Bush.

I’m surprised with the results. I didn't think Clinton would be the runaway favorite given the scathing press at the time of his presidency. Political opponents worked overtime to enmesh him in lawsuits and burden him with $16 million in legal bills as he left the White House. I’m pleased that Obama at least made second place. But George W was one point behind him?  Tragic.

In my mind George H.W. Bush should have been third. He only was president for one term but he did a credible job as president. He had my support for most of his presidency because I felt he had a firm hand on the international relations portion of his job. His background in the federal government for a lifetime was impressive. That background was perfect preparation for the role of President. His only mistake was allowing the religious right to gain a foothold in republican party operations. That was a big mistake. And the republicans are paying dearly for it now.

On the other hand George W fumbled his way through eight years as president and made a horrible mess of it. Our foreign policy is in shambles and rebuilding. America’s international standing is grossly in the dumps. Our economy will take at least two generations to repair after funding two wars and undergoing two major tax cuts for the rich and famous.

It takes a nation several years to determine the worth of specific decisions and policy shifts. Not so for George W.  Many knew he made mistakes at the time he made them. Unfortunately, political manipulators were allowed to maintain a popular image that was a shimmering mirage. Time catches up with such nonsense, however. And that time is now, so soon after his presidency ended.

It’s too bad for another reason. Barack Obama is a gifted, intelligent and caring man. He could have done so much more as President than he has. Instead he has had to play repairman for the previous president who made a colossal mess of things. And once we are done fixing that mess, we will have precious little funding left for the things we could have and should have been able to do.

Regarding the poll: it was only for the past 25 years. The four choices the public had to choose among account for the full 25 year period. I wonder where George W would land on a poll including the past 50 years?

History will settle the question for us, probably long after we are all gone. But I’d like to think the American people finally get it and place George W in the dust heap of history!

June 17, 2014


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