Thursday, November 20, 2014

Being Subdued

Mr. Putin escaped early from the Big 20 conference recently held in Beijing and when he arrived home in Moscow he uttered these words: “America will never subdue Russia.”

Well that’s a picture I never conjured in my mind! But I guess it does follow in Putin’s thinking that he has to see America as his enemy and vice versa. Only I don’t, and I doubt most Americans view Russia as an enemy.  But you see, America doesn’t get its ‘power’ (whatever that is, and how it is measured) by making enemies of other nations.

Perhaps Russia does in Putin’s mind?  Then it would also follow that Russia gains power by making other nation’s its enemies.

That seems to be over simplistic. But then let us not jump to conclusions.

If there were a poll taken of American sentiment about Russia versus America, I think Americans would report disappointment that these two international powers are not on friendly terms and working toward shared goals. I think both the American and Russian people would agree on this point. Why?

Because our histories are intertwined, our cultures as well, and our yearning for intellectual freedom and creativity appears similar. Scientific breakthroughs, educational achievements, and entrepreneurial hunger appear to be robust in both cultures. So too music and literary leaps. Russia and America have similar public feelings about the pull of the future. Neither really sees itself as the master over the other. Rather both peoples I think see ourselves as partners in meeting global challenges.

The leadership of the two nations appear locked in a competition not supported by their people. This is especially true of America’s Congressional leaders and Putin. Or maybe it’s Putin’s insistence in finding an American villain and Congress responds. Obama is a peacemaker. Not a stooge. A partner in peace. It is his very nature.

I still feel Putin senses a weakness in himself and makes a show of bravado to convince others he is strong. That’s too bad for the rest of us. His self perception of weakness may lead to acts to prove otherwise. And those actions may lead other nations to acts of defense that may appear non-peaceful! Accidents do occur in such circumstances. Accidents none of us want!

I don’t want Russia subdued. I want Russia and other nations as well to be strong competitors in the world of ideas, invention and vital economic development. Those are all good traits that build a strong global community. Don’t let us waste valuable resources on defense and military hardware. Be strong to defend but not to build power.

Each nation needs to tend to their own problems and challenges to be as strong and viable a country as possible. That is good for them. That is good for the world, too. Only then can international relations work for the common good of the planet.

On that plane there is much to do.  All the other concerns are man-made and divert our attention from the real tasks needing to be done.

Proud, Mr. Putin. We want you and your people to be proud. Not subdued.

November 20, 2014

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