Friday, June 26, 2015

More Bits and Pieces

A sampling of issues that have appeared on the world stage of ‘news’ lately:

Spying and Snowden

We all know spying goes on throughout the world. Not all countries do this but if they have interests to protect they will protect them! However they do that is open to many options. One of those options is spying on other countries or power groups who are perceived to hold an interest in ‘our’ interests. Competitors maybe. So some power groups are trade cartels, crime syndicates, or nations.

Russia feels uncomfortable with the ‘West’ and so spies to determine the scope of the threat to their interests. They have done this for many generations. The more entangled with world affairs they became, the more spying they engaged in. Same with the United States. I suspect we have been spying on the world powers for many generations as well. Although some of the spying was focused on balances of power of nations, spying has undoubtedly taken aim at advancements in education, technology, and space know-how. Of course military assessments required spying.

With world terrorism on the rise, especially following the 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda, spying has become huge business.  Edward Snowden has blown open a lot of spy files stolen from the CIA data base. Along with Wikipedia’s distribution of secret files amassed by the US government, the spying establishment is on notice that what they do and find and document will eventually find its way into public view. If what our government does in our name embarrasses you, then you (and I) have a duty to tell them to cease and desist.

I tend to be one of those people who believe government has a need to learn secrets that might harm our nation. I think we should find out who means us harm and who doesn’t. Just because other nations do this does not make them enemies. So Germany, take note; communications and dealings on a global basis have an impact on everyone else. We will learn such data sooner or later; best you prepare for truth and ethical dealings. Spying only monitors this. And no, German, the US is not your enemy. Nor are you ours.

With spying assumed to be in full view, maybe we can now deal more forthrightly with other nations, both friendly and not. Direct communications is a good thing. Maybe we should have been talking plainly from the beginning.

As to humongous communication processing and spying on everyone at all times, I say no. We should not be doing that. Freedom of speech, of press and all the other ‘freedoms’ guaranteed to us require an open and trusting environment in which to live. TSA spying regimes are not American. So, cease and desist please.  That means you Uncle Sam! 

Taliban and Afghanistan

I’m not an historian so don’t know the full history of nations assisting Afghanistan. However, I hazard the guess that not one of these monumental efforts has worked for lasting effect! The French couldn’t do it. Nor could Britain. Russia failed miserably. And now it is America’s turn to fail miserably in Afghanistan.

I’m thinking the nation is not governable. Too many special interests. Too many power centers. Too little national pride to protect. So individuals get away doing what they want. The Taliban takes what it wants based on pure power and greed. It has nothing to do with religion. They claim it does but their own religion does not support their behavior and tactics. Activity without morals is terrorism. And that pretty much describes the Taliban, ISIS and Al Qaeda. No religious principles would support such nihilistic behavior.

Since Afghanistan’s leaders have always fallen to the lows of doing the bidder of the largest financial contributor, there essentially is no governance structure in place. The Solution: burn all poppy fields to destroy the drug crops; keep doing that until there is no drug trade and revenue flow to the greedy within the borders of the nation. That’s when the people will rise up and take back their country if there’s anyone left to do so! That might be a leap of faith! 

Euro$ and Greece

Greece has been an unreliable and unprincipled partner in the European financial markets. Also global markets. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) bolstered by huge outlays by America’s treasury, has supported Greece. But no more. They are on their own. And the managers of the Euro should do the same. Greece will have to sink or swim on its own power. It has fed off international generosity for too long. Enough is enough.

Too bad, really. But greed should not be fed continually at the expense of innocents abroad.

When one looks out over the entire global community and spots problems that need fixing, it is maddening to have to spend time, money and attention on the above issues.  They are recurring endlessly. When do we say enough to all of them and focus instead on the true issues: global peace, common good of all the world’s residents and justice?


June 26, 2015

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