Monday, January 25, 2016

Serenity in a Baby

The newborn baby was a picture of serenity. Here we were in the hospital with all the drama of the birth behind the principals! They had done their parts. Especially mom Eduenis! But I know dad John was stressed. Both were relieved it was over as far as the day’s routine! The real job lay ahead for the next 21 years. We know that; but I doubt they truly have a clear picture of that.

So, we were sitting in the same room as the baby. I dared not hold him for fear of dropping him! But the other elders in the room took charge and held him. He stirred a tiny bit with facial expressions, and a moue or three; but nothing more. He was quiet and at rest. He was serene.

Contemplating the world all around us his peacefulness was at odds with what we knew. The roadways clamored with traffic and weather woes. The nation was preparing for blizzards across the south and then along the east coast through the most populated areas of the country. Global issues beckoned attention as they always do. Even in quiet times one ponders what is next on the world’s stage. Such chaos among the nations!

Of course our own nation is in chaos with political upset and nonsense. It is a presidential election year so the outs are fighting to get in. And the ins are fighting to remain in. The only people who will exit are those in the White House. They will be replaced a year from now with a new crew. May they fare better than this beleaguered president. He is good. He is a thinker and academic. He is a superb policy master. And a feeling, caring person. He has the long view of the country and its people. He has done very well in trying times. With little or no help from the other branches of the federal government. That’s politics in America these days. Sad and shameful, but it is what it is.

But then the people are not long term oriented. No; they are short term and focused on their own immediate needs. Even those are not well thought out. What they want they think little of where it will come from. And the politicians know this. They broadcast fears for the future and make it personal for all to read and hear. They conjure messages that are designed to upset. And they are successful.

Good people are fighting one another in debates, arguments, newspapers and internet ‘discussions’. They are mostly fighting about what is not important. Much larger issues beg for attention but their meager attention span does not include room for those issues. No, they are the issues that require very deep work and thinking to address. Most people in politics look for the quick and easy. Too bad; we as a people are capable of so much more.

I think we are witnessing the result of pandering to the lowest common denominator. Our entertainment does this; our schools do also. Certainly the news media aims low; it’s where the ratings come from and advertisers want high ratings if they are going to pay high advertising rates. The media learned long ago their bread was buttered on the side of ratings and that has to pander to the lowest common denominator; that’s where the numbers reside.

For the rest of us we have the internet to journey through and find the meat and potatoes of our nation’s good side. It requires discernment to find the good stuff and know it is the right stuff. Just like public media the internet has junk and lowest common denominator material; but the good material is there as well. We must look for it and train ourselves to know what makes it good and worthy of our time.

I suggest starting with TED – Technology, Entertainment, Design – Sharing ideas that matter. Look it up on the internet and you will find over 10,000 short video presentations on a broad array of subject matter. It is worth knowing about. After all, these are ideas worth sharing and keeping.

Meanwhile, may we take the serenity of newborns seriously and work to make our nation a worthy partner for global concerns and human well-being. This is important stuff that all newborns will benefit from. In turn they will benefit the rest of us as they labor to deal effectively with the world around them for generations to come.

Peace and discernment to each and every one of you!

January 25, 2016

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