Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Engage then Share

No man is an island. We learned that in junior high school. The lesson was iterated many times in subsequent years through high school and college. Yet when we entered our careers we had to learn it again and again.

No man is an island; or woman, either. We understand much more when we interact with other people and struggle with common meanings. In time we know them, ourselves and whatever special knowledge we were working with at the time.

Engagement is a process of connecting with other people and their organizations, processes and products. And vice versa. The coming together and dealing honestly with one another is the engagement. If unequal in commitment by one or more of the others, the engagement fails. Simple as that.

But if the engagement is pursued and we actually succeed at sharing our knowledge and personality at the same time, we have the chance to alter what we think, how we think and what is then possible from future thinking. It is a revolution in the making. And it takes time.

When it happens, we first sense it and then know it. We are different people when the realization hits us. When it hits we come to know that we have created something that did not exist before. We have expanded mankind’s understanding and made a new potential possible.

Layering knowledge, education, academic specialties and cultures often makes this revolution pop to life. It happens most often in laboratories where we expect such to occur. But when it happens in a conference room or over an email conversation among team members struggling with a problem to solve, it is even more astonishing.

Classroom work is elemental. It sometimes surprises students when they realize they are understanding something for the first time. But when they are able to mix that understanding with another idea or subject matter and come to yet another fresh understanding, astonishment is an understatement.

Those reactions should be the outcomes we expect from all education! Changing minds and lives is the goal, isn’t it? Aren’t we about putting two and two together and getting six? Wouldn’t that be terrific instead of the four we expect?  Research does that for us. Opening minds and mixing thinking with others who do not think as we do produces the unexpected. Those are the gains we need to adapt to change and new challenges in life.

Business is experimenting with this. Business is gaining insight doing this. Business is evolving faster because of this.

Now do you understand why I can say with confidence that we can drop our oil dependence and replace it with entirely new energy resources? Science and brainpower will do this for us but we have to want to do this and make the proper investment in time, money and people. Of course, we must remove barriers to do this work such as the Oil Industry, Oil Lobby, Oil Special Interests, and political powers who live off of the former!

Engage the problem and find solutions. This is exciting work and worth our investment. Stop adding 2 plus 2 for the expected 4; instead learn to find the answer of 6!

June 29, 2016

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