Thursday, June 8, 2017

Blog Draft June 8

More Bad News

News headlines just keep coming. Mostly they are not good when it comes to stories on the White House and the new trump administration. [Note: the trump administration is not capitalized because he shows no respect for the office, the people, or the rest of the global community. When he speaks with respect and dignity for all, then those words will become capitalized.]

Here are the morning headlines on June 7th

-Jeff Sessions Is Said to Have Offered to Resign
-Washington DC braces for Comey hearing impact
-Moscow says ‘zero’ proof Russian hackers involved in Qatar crisis
-Trump Foundation diverted $100,000 in donations meant for charity
-Watergate ‘pales’ in comparison to Trump Russia scandal, says James Clapper
-Eyes on Russia probe leaves Washington’s to-do list undone
-Senators to ask about Trump push back on Russia probe
-House Democrat drafting articles of impeachment for Trump
-Comey to Sessions: “Don’t leave me alone with Trump”

And these are only the stories on the first tier of the internet news service. There are more layers and more topics under discussion. And then there are the opinion pieces stemming from all of the above and the lower strata items, too.

In short, there is no shortage of meat and potatoes for journalists and news analysts to write about these days. And while the trump supporters and friends will always show their support and demand proof of what the rest of the nation and world is saying, we don’t need to anymore. The story is already pretty complete.

The situation is simply this:

  1. Wrong has been done
  2. Wrong is being done
  3. The primary players in the wrongs are known
  4. Studies, investigations and deep probes by the authorities are underway
  5. When their findings are tallied, then a bill of particulars will be written leading to charges and indictment; in the case of the president, an impeachment charge
  6. Then the authorized bodies will process the case against the wrong doers and those procedures will be covered by the press
  7. When the cases have been fully pursued, the juries/Senate will ponder the evidence and testimony
  8. The juries/Senate will announce their decisions as to guilt or innocence
  9. If guilty, proper actions will be taken to address the situation; in the case of the president, he will be removed from office
  10. If not guilty, then the players in the wrongful acts will be cleared of wrong doing and they will continue to do what they feel is the right thing to do in carrying out their duties. 
From all of this the American public will learn more about how their government works and why it is important to study issues and candidates well before deciding on who and what to vote for. The penalty of getting it wrong costs a lot of people upset, money and disruption to life. The world community also pays a price. That price is evident for all to see.

Supporters and detractors of trump can agree on this: what once was normal is not now. All is topsy turvy. Some will say it is about time this was done; others will say it should never have been allowed. Whatever the conclusions, we the people will have had our voice and civics lesson.

Hopefully the future will be kinder and gentler for all concerned.

In the meanwhile, stay tuned for constitutional actions that are sure to be called into play.

Peace be unto you and yours.

June 8, 2017

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