Thursday, July 20, 2017

Future Development?

Every now and then it pays to think about what can be. Not something we know for certain, but surmise it can happen. And then we should think on it a little longer and think what needs to happen if we are to be happy and successful as a culture long into the future.

A lot of negativity surrounds us these days. Elections last year were nasty and uncomfortable. A good and knowledgeable people allowed nasty, unkind behavior to invade every nook and cranny of our election and political life. It was not a good year. It was not a shining moment for America.

Yes, we know that democracy is not always pretty; but it is able to adapt to a lot of change and challenge. Just not in 2016. The election was a flop. I say that not because my candidate of choice did not win, but the issues we should have been talking about weren’t universally discussed and aired. Sound bites happened. Not logical discussion that helped others understand complicated matters better. If anything, confusion and misunderstanding reigned.

With the winners of the political contests now ensconced in their positions, misunderstanding continues to reign, so we are not in a good place and, frankly, I don’t see improvement happening anytime soon.

So, the question is: What will the future hold for us?

I am an optimist so I feel confident that logic and calm will carry the day eventually. I just won’t hazard a guess as to when that might happen. There are other developments, however, that we can look forward to. Let’s take a look at some of them.

First, energy sources will become more plentiful and cheaper. That’s because energy resources will be renewable and self sustaining. Unlike current finite energy supplies, an infinite supply of the new exists. The only reason we have continued to use old dwindling supply is because we have found new ways of finding more of the scarce resources we were unable to reach in years gone by. Also, technology has improved our efficient use of energy. Oh sure, we still waste a lot, but we do so more intelligently now. Auto fuel efficiency measures have improved mightily for the last 30 years. And we continue to improve this.

Our homes are better insulated and heated and air conditioned using better technologies and efficiency that continue to lessen our reliance on expensive energy.

Add to these advances the discovery and improved use of other energy sources and finite supplies are stretched even further. Solar, wind, thermal and nuclear energy continues to grow in supply and use.

Electric automobiles will continue to expand in use. But entirely new energy sources are yet to be discovered and developed. Physics will offer several new energy sources in the next 10 or 15 years. I know this will happen. We are closer and closer to break through discoveries. And these new energy forms are self sustaining and renewable. Not like natural gas, coal or oil. Fossil fuels will eventually be an interesting story told in history classes.

On other fronts of the future, technology will improve how we teach our kids and how we adults learn new skills to keep current in our life-long learning pathways. Our careers will challenge us, but our knowledge and skill sets will grow faster. As old jobs disappear with new products, services and industries, new jobs will replace them at a faster rate. We will earn our living in different ways but those ways will be more engaging and rewarding.

A fresh and exciting life will not necessarily spell a wealthy one in a financial sense. No, we will be better compensated with environmental enrichment, interesting things to consider, ponder and live with, and rewards of helping others and finding new ways to be happy. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be an entirely new thing in our lives. And that is a very good thing.

We don’t need wealth to be happy. We just need enough resources to pay for our cost of living and to ensure that we have health care, education and comfort enough to enjoy the time we have on this earth. That’s it. It’s nice to have money and wealth; it’s also enticing to have influence and power. But none of those things actually make us happy.

The simple things in life are the sources of our happiness. Family. Loved ones. Relaxation. Time to meditate, ponder and wonder. Time to share good friendships with others. The smells, tastes and sounds of a full life cover many aspects of life. We don’t need to experience it all. We don’t have to travel the globe over and over again. But we do need to take the time to know ourselves and know and care for each other. That’s where satisfaction lies. That’s where happiness is.

The future is before us. It will happen with us or without us.  It doesn’t rely on you and I. It will be what it will be. Better, however, if we engage with the future and make our own mark on it. Be a part of learning, discovery, research, understanding and new past times.

So make a decision to partner with the future. Get involved and experience the change. Or else you won't know what you missed.

July 20, 2017

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