Monday, July 31, 2017

Good and Decent People

That is a phrase stated by Michelle Obama on Tuesday, July 25th while in Denver giving a speech to a women’s group. She had been asked which shard of the glass ceiling hurt her most when she broke that ceiling by being the first African American First Lady in America’s history. She cited the racist jabs at her for looking like an animal or shaming her body appearance. These were intentional barbs aimed at her. They were personal and meant to hurt. And all based on the color of her skin.

She went on to claim that all women in America bleed everyday from tiny cuts caused by discrimination and callous treatment just because they are women. So her wounds caused by racist sentiment were minor compared with everyone else’s wounds of historic discrimination based on gender alone.

After this frank discussion she closed by saying don’t give up on America because of this discrimination. We all have to work to get beyond it. She stated firmly that the people of America are good and decent people and they will keep America safe and on the right track going forward.

An abiding faith in the good and decent people.

She’s right, I think; the vast majority of We The People in America are good and decent. We are also feeling and respectful of others. We care about what is done in our name and what isn’t. We are inclusive and diverse. Good thing we are inclusive! Our diversity is tremendous because we are the melting pot of countless ethnicities and foreign born peoples. It is our history, this diversity. It is who we are.

Pretending otherwise does damage to those who hold that view. Oh sure, it hurts that they feel this way; we all feel it. Straight or gay, young or old, white or black or brown or any other color, we are different in so many ways; that is what makes each of us unique. But it also makes us one under the American flag. It is our diversity that defines us. The fact that we are of one nation only brings that point home more strongly.

Imagine judging anyone for who and what they are rather than what their behavior may mean? How shallow is that? Behavior at least portends something tangible and meaningful. But best not to judge at all; so much is assumed in those judgments; so much is wrong.

Better if we accept people and learn to work with them as best we can. Inclusion is the goal and the reward. Too bad so many among us still don’t get this valuable lesson

July 31, 2017

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