Friday, August 4, 2017

Beginning to Show

Unraveling an establishment is beginning to show. Unpredictability first, then more, until chaos reigns. Decisions made in quiet solitude, tweeted out, and then the scramble of the establishment White House to make sense of it. The press is next to attempt making sense of it. Not much luck there. Sense is not much present.

Foreign nation polls of citizens take measure of their sentiments; about America. Once the reliable partner in most all things – commerce, finance, medical assistance, education sharing, military safety umbrella – now it is eroding.

Tough man image is projected by trump; but is it real? Not very. The image is skin deep and easily crazes and shatters into tiny bits. Too many players to understand their roles; besides, all the roles keep shifting to others with little sense of who is who and what is what. Chaos. Smoke screen? Or reality coming into focus?

Too soon to say for history buffs, but for political buffs and social scientists the verdict is shaping up fairly well: there is no control in the White House. Perhaps Gen. Kelly will impose that on the fractured team, but then there are the family members walking about the ‘palace’ as though they have an official title. They don’t; their presence only serves to confuse and addle the rest of the people on scene.

As I said, chaos. This is no way to run a country.

Especially, not America. We are used to better.

Better thinking, study, consideration, manners, too. Planning and careful ordering of myriad details. Productive operations require order and policy; and informed minds with the discipline to relate many disciplines of thought to one another. Discovery comes from this order of things; control supports leadership and the projection of same. All of this is missing in this White House.

The name trump is building a lexicon of meaning all its own. The brand is dwindling. The reputation is not one of burnished wealth but of dissolution and failure. There were those who predicted this. There were many who said no. Who is saying that now?

Letting Obamacare implode may be more difficult than once thought. Laws require levels of federal support; those are not easily allowed to fade away. And implosion needs an active core of citizens actually hating the program that they abandon it. That is not in the cards today; most rely on the program and fear its dissolution. It will remain for some time and maybe even be tweaked to strength.

What can implode is a meaningless presidency founded on nonsense. This looms larger every day. Facts matter. Opinions fade with time. Only provable facts retain value. And that is the nettlesome reality the trump family is beginning to realize.

Thinking something is so doesn’t make it so.

There’s a lesson for the rest of us buried in all of this.

Ponder it well.

August 4, 2017

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