Thursday, August 10, 2017

Two Bratty Kids

One was given a fortune to do with as he pleased. He was also enrolled in private schools that would take him, and which wouldn’t with a father like that? Then, through the years business attempts were tried and failed until they caught on. Finally some did; others didn’t, but with a few pumping along OK losing a few along the way doesn’t seem to count. Wins and losses are like that if you string them along.

But something happens with the personality of such people. They get what they want seemingly because they persist; in reality, it is because they have pockets deep enough to take on successive risks. And with that sort of activity there are always others who will risk with the other and invest. Soon whose money is it? An investment pot that is open to chance and experimentation. Some wins and losses are bound to occur. And they do.

The personality expands to include a super ego that thinks the self is golden and unbeatable. With staff and family reinforcing this message the personality grows outside his own skin. And he runs for political office because he can. And he has money to pay for it. And an organization that can be bent to the task as well.

One day, this bent personality becomes president of the united states of America. Now what?

At the same time another kid born with a platinum spoon in his mouth and bolstered by a dynastic family born to power in an impoverished nation, grows up to become the imperial leader of his nation. Always put down by the global community, this small nation insists on building a powerful military machine so honor and glory are rightfully theirs regardless of what the world thinks.

And so this brat of a kid – born without conscience or morals, only privilege – casts himself as the impudent adult on a world stage that contains yet another spoiled brat.

The battle ground is set between these two infantile personalities. Not fully matured in any sense, they engage in a school yard fight that leads to nasty words and threats. Only problem? Both are armed with nuclear arsenals and the ability to deliver them to critical targets.

Should the fight ensue, the smaller will be annihilated. The larger will be damaged badly with generations of nuclear scarred victims and progeny. But also the world community is harmed. South Korea will be damaged to the point of annihilation? If so that, what damage will be inflicted on China? And Japan, and so many other neighboring lands?

What damage in the USA will affect the globe’s ability to feed large populations and fuel their industries? The global community is now interrelated and interdependent on each other. That’s as it should be.

And that’s why it is the global community’s responsibility to quell the childish backyard skirmish before it hurts billions of people who have nothing to do with all of this.

The United Nations has a vital role here. So do the large powers – China, Russia, European partnerships, and America.  But America is not a player in the peace process because now it is involved as a combatant.

How did we get to this sorry state of affairs?

By people not paying attention to the details and the larger picture. It matters. The large and the small. Nothing is insignificant in the day of instant communication, satellites and nuclear missile tips. Nothing is too small.

So, America, get your house in order. Shed the false ‘leadership’ and reform thyself.

And China, Russia, UN and Europe: sit down and make sense of this nonsense. The mantel is now on you. Two brats are fighting an emotional game. They are the cause of our angst. But the adults in the room now have a vital role to play.

Don’t disappoint us. The planet’s future rests on your wisdom and maturity.

August 10, 2017

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