Friday, August 18, 2017

Just Desserts

What comes around goes around. Cast your bread upon the water and it will return a thousand-fold. Many other quotes could be included here, all actually saying similar sentiments: be careful what you wish for, you could get it; and of course, the results of your efforts may result in just desserts.

All of these describe donald’s predicament. He has unwisely aired the sentiments of many who do not think clearly, or simply do not have the facts straight. So Donald speaks and events happen as a direct result. Maybe he didn’t wish the outcomes as they unfolded, but this is the nature of how a leader’s – actual or perceived – words result in unpleasant events.

Inciting a riot works the same way. Shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater does the same. Both are illegal acts.

Emotions run deep and have few internal controls. A person reacts to their emotions. Sorrow induces tears. Happiness produces smiles, shouts and tears as well. Anger creates anger; stoking same and the anger grows and grows. It takes very little for the anger to spill over into hostile actions.

The KKK’s march on Charlottesville the other day is a case in point. The KKK was there not just to make a point, but to excite a reaction. That’s their method of operation. Always has been. They focus on a perceived wrong, change the perception and assign blame, and then ask for a show of support.

Joblessness among the middle class is a complex issue. It is not the result of reverse discrimination. It is not the result of jobs moving overseas. Or foreign companies coming to America and unseating working people.

The largest answer to the problems of the middle class is change. Change is always with us. Policies can soften the impact of change, but it cannot stop it. That means those in the path of change need to recognize it and plan to change careers, move to another place and otherwise take control of their own lives. How long did it take buggy builders and whip makers to recognize their industry was dying?

When did the railroads realize trucks were taking their cargoes directly to their destinations? When did interstate bus lines know they needed to make strategic changes? When did the gas and oil industry realize that fuel efficiency rules for cars and the growth of electric autos were reducing their sales?

Strategic thinking looks at the big picture and notices the moving parts and their patterns and algorhythms. Emerging trends are hinted at in the tiny movements of the pieces. Trends grow to themes and shifts of reality in ways that redefine industries and the lives associated with them.

To be a citizen of the modern day world, one needs to be thinking and feeling all the time. To know thyself is one way of stating it; to sense the future is another. But open exploration of one’s surroundings is what it takes to make exciting new changes work for each person. Some will need help; others will provide the help and leadership.

Observe Elon Musk. He envisions solar roofs to actually replace current roofing materials; this will reduce on-grid power use; this will support longer lasting roofs AND lower power consumption without reducing standards of living. So too electric cars and all of the technology required by that industry. He is on the right path. He is helping change the world each day. And that is vital and important. Electric companies beware; partner with him. Oil and gas companies beware, too; and partner with him, too.

Energy companies need to band together, not to expand profits but to explore means of producing and using energy in all of its forms. Let’s find nonpolluting forms, and sustainable ones, too. All I’m asking is that we all figure out what we are each about, and what our organizations and companies are about. Locking into old, stale models doesn’t make for long term security. For anyone or anything.

It’s time to free up our thinking and invent new tomorrows continually. No one and no thing stands still for long – unless it is dead.

This is a job for each of us to do, and yes, to learn to do. No man is an island, but neither does time stand still for anyone. Two old adages that remain true still.

So let’s all get with the excitement and challenge of a new day. Invent our way to a better future. Do as much of this as you can. Rely on only those who are reliable. Let government and institutions do what we cannot do for ourselves, but don’t be too quick on asking for that help. Try inventing solutions first.

If we don’t do this for ourselves and each other, we cannot expect the future to be very good. For any of us. Change will continue its trek through time and space. Either we are prepared for it and driving it, or it will drive us where we don’t want to go. Sort of like some of our people today.


August 18, 2017

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