Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Current Events 2018 – Take Two

Yesterday I listed 10 current events of 2018, topics really. The question is how many of these are reoccurring. The answer is all of them. The first two, Trust in Government and the Size of the Federal Debt, were covered in yesterday’s post. Here are a few more.

3.      Employment trends: this refers to long-term trend lines of careers, both their development and replacement with newer forms of work, professions and creativity. If imbalances in political power occur because people are afraid of losing their jobs, or have already lost their jobs due to obsolescence, then the answer is not political; it is education to teach people how to adjust to new careers and evolving economic realities. How each of us earn our living depends on our abilities, skill sets and interests. Experience builds skill sets and stretches abilities. But interests fuel motivation to work toward the goal of doing what one likes to do. Having a job that captures the imagination and makes you feel good at the same time you are earning a good income, is the best of all possible worlds. It takes commitment and self-knowledge to make this happen. Too many people want this but are not motivated to work for it. If that is true, then we need to teach them how. It is a benefit to all of us that this occurs.

4.      Health of Economy: Left unmanaged by policies that keep in check man’s baser behaviors, ours would be an open economy of free markets left to run rampant over everyone. Boom and bust cycles would return to earlier days of our nation. No, the health of our economy can be earned through consistent application of policies that protect corporations, consumers and taxpayers alike. This also prepares us for competitive markets in the global arena. Broader opportunities for employment and wealth should follow. Regulations control monopolistic tendencies, fraud and other distortions caused by greed and baser instincts. Some people don’t like regulations or laws; but all of us benefit from these very same regulations; that is their purpose – to protect and benefit all of us.

5.      Education is an investment in the nation’s people that pays huge dividends. New knowledge, technology and know-how will fuel invention and creativity for many lifetimes. It is the magic that transforms an employee from a doer to a creator. It is the secret of people doing what they love rather than doing what others tell them to do. Unfettered thinking leads to rampant invention and economic growth. It is an engine of self-sustainability for any culture or economy. Invest in people and the future unfolds in exciting, productive ways.

6.      Healthcare is a right not a privilege. Share the cost across the entire economy and make it a feature of our commitment and investment in each other. It is the ingredient that makes for a fuller life with which to pursue happiness in our full liberty. Other nations know this and have provided for their citizens with great success. Why not in America?

7.      Environmental Protection: Nothing much is gained if we kill the planet upon which we rely for sustainable life. Keep the planet healthy so we can all live healthy lives. Protect mother earth and learn even better ways to keep her whole and healthy. Without our planet, we are nothing. Inert. Making do with less is an outcome of creativity and applied intelligence. We can live on the planet and save it at the same time.

That’s enough for one posting. We shall return with the rest of the topics tomorrow. See you here then!

August 1, 2018

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