Thursday, August 30, 2018

Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again

I’m reminded of the book “Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”.

The big things in life are made up of many tiny things. Alone they make little difference. Together they pose a puzzle too large to solve. It is in this realization, however, that we have the opportunity to solve big problems.

Like eating the elephant one bite at a time, solving a large problem is breaking it down to its component parts. As small as they can be. Look for the connections and how and why they came together to make such a large problem. Not blame for problem, or cause, but connective process. It is in the coming together that makes complexity. Break it down and we are back to the simple stages.

Not an easy assignment, but more than possible.

The trick, I think, is to stop the noise – complaints, finger pointing, and all the rest of the drama – and get to work pulling the puzzle apart for examination. If colleagues don’t allow this, leave them to their pastime and go into a quiet space to work.

Think. Work with the pieces. Let them tell their story. We know what Humpty Dumpty looked like before his great fall, so, going from memory recall the outcome shape and form we are aiming for. What is missing? What is a critical cornerstone we rely upon? Where is it? Can we find it among all the broken pieces?

Outcome. Picture in the mind what the desired outcome should be, ought to be, can be. What has to happen to bring that outcome to life?

This is the process that needs to be employed if the current state of affairs in American constitutional government is to be restored. Clearly Humpty Dumpty – American Form of Governance – has had a great fall and is lying in pieces. He is in need of all the Kings Men to put him back together again.

Perhaps King is the wrong allegory to use here! It is a king-like person who assumed the shape of Humpty Dumpty and now he lies at the base of the great wall (a wall, he had all along, but didn’t recognize it!). It is our job, the American People, to restore Humpty Dumpty to wholeness.

Fortunately, we have an instruction sheet that came with our puzzle. It is the US Constitution. Now is the time to use it fully.

Options to explore and choose among:

a.      Removal of current sitting president. This can be accomplished by his resignation, or impeachment by the House of Representatives, and conviction at trial in the Senate

b.      Declaration of faulty election; vacate both offices of president and vice-president; what authority mechanism takes their place while a bonafide election is held remains to be discovered

c.      Declare the president incapacitated to serve; replace with vice president, but with powers strictly compressed by a transition team (Supreme Court supervision, Congressional leadership from both parties, etc.)

d.      Some other mechanism that constitutional lawyers may know of

Whatever the solution, let’s get on with it.

August 30, 2018

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