Monday, August 6, 2018


Here are grounded facts that will not change just because we want them to. We will need to manage each and every one of them for the best outcomes we want.  What we want will need to be averaged out with all citizens accounted for. The silent ones will not be counted, of course, just as always.

1.      The planet will slowly destruct as it ages, hastened by mankind’s abuse of it. We can slow the process but most likely cannot reverse the process. It is our choice whether to act or not.

2.      Each and every one of us will die. It is the Omega of the Alpha birth. What goes up must come down. What lives must also die. When death occurs depends on many factors mostly out of our control.

3.      An addict – of anything – must do what he must to remain an addict. Nothing else makes any sense. To stop the addiction, the addict must choose to change his life. No one can make the choice for him. His death may be caused by the addiction or not; this is one of the uncontrollable life-limiting factors alluded to above.

4.      The purpose of life is not happiness; the purpose of life is to be of use to others, bring them happiness. Be of use the bottom line. Without the purpose, life is meaningless.

5.      The less one has materially the more valuable the little things are in life. The little things are vital; the nice things are not.

6.      What others think of me is of no importance. What I think of me is the primary means to health, or death. It all depends on how positive one’s view of self is.

7.      What is, is; we did not make it or do it, or cause it. We do not have much power except to accept and enjoy the it of now.

8.      The first three bites of a meal are the best. The rest of the meal is only a memory of what the first bites must have tasted like.

9.      All new things age toward their demise. The new car loses its shine and quiet. Rust and rattles soon follow. Then nothing.

10.   All things require a human to tend it. It is a responsibility caused by the thing. Simplifying life reduces the onus of things.

That’s enough truth for one sitting. Its weight suffocates.

August 6, 2018

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