Wednesday, September 12, 2018

As Rome Burns

Fiddling. Gaming. Gossiping. Fuming.

Not governing. Anything but tending to the business at hand. It is not personal. It is serious business. National business. And global community business.

China is weaponizing the South China Sea. Russia is rattling sabers in its old Soviet regions; and outside of that region. It plays war in Syria. It has done so elsewhere in the past. To little avail; Afghanistan? But now? Syria. 

Things are taking shape all around the world. The US is idle. It is consumed with its supposed king and his personal foibles.

While Rome burned, Nero fiddled.

Remember history. It shapes futures. Lest we forget.

Important work needs to be tended. By whom?

Good question.

Let that sink in while remembering the 17th anniversary of 9-11.

September 12, 2018

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