Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Turning Tides

They come in and go out. Like clockwork. Following the moon and seasonal pulls of gravity. The Earth revolves around the sun. The tilt of the Earth’s axis changes the angles of the sun’s rays striking our planet. Because of this seasons change. Days get longer or shorter; summer and winter reverse one another in time. Day after day. Year after year. It has been like this for how long?

Patterns. Routines. We follow what came before, and do so over and over again. Every now and then we change a pattern, but the larger ones remain because they are there by nature.

And so the yin and yang of life. We yearn for freedom. We win freedom. We are challenged by change – some good, some not so good. We toil in that context until our freedoms are threatened. Then we yearn for the norm to return. We win. Those who threaten the freedoms lose. The yin and yang.

The trumpet has had his moment on stage. He performed badly. He lied. He cheated. He warped facts. He did not follow rhythms, patterns or routines. That is how we learned of his agenda and behavior. It gave reason and understanding.

What we saw we didn’t like. The freedoms and natural order we expected and loved were threatened.

Eventually we saw it pure and true. These were now the facts. The evidence. They are the tide of reality flowing in and out. The people know this to be true. The polls are underscoring this fact.

November mid-term elections loom. It is the action day – November 6th – when voters will inform the trumpet of their reality, not his. Soon after his time will lapse.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. We will rescue our society by installing another Humpty Dumpty, not the old one. It would be too cracked and mended to be of service.

His tide has gone out.

The tide comes in with the new. Who will arrive with it? In name only? Or a leader with substance true to the people? This is America and it is good because of its people. The succession of leaders is orderly. The next two in line are not in favor of the people. So then, who will it be?

September 5, 2018

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