Thursday, April 25, 2019

Press Secretary or?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the White House Press Secretary. Or is she?

She stopped hosting White House press briefings nearly a year ago. She even stopped holding press sessions. Now she only speaks off the cuff while walking through halls or across lawns. She still speaks to the press or anyone who will listen.

One wonders why she is pulling a full salary for the titled job when she doesn’t actually do the job.

Taxpayers still fund her paychecks and benefits. We still provide office space in the White House complex. Her staff continues to churn out materials for public consumption. The only doubt is in the truth of such material.

Odd, isn’t it? The nation built on free speech, free press, and freedom of assembly, religion and all the rest – there is a lot of speech spread around but little of it is true. Mostly spin; a lot of outright lies.

Credibility has not been a strong suit of this president or his White House team. The People’s House is temporarily out of order and certainly not within reach of civil governance. If you doubt that, read the Mueller report and draw your own conclusions.

Meanwhile the loyal opposition in the press examine the details finely and agree among themselves who and what is believable; they then report it with their own misgivings. I’m not sure this has happened before. Certainly not in my lifetime, perhaps in a presidency long ago in American history?

Sanders should resign her position at the very least. At the best, she should be fired. I doubt the Liar in Chief will do that, though. Just saying….

April 25, 2019

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