Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Call to Leadership

I’m proud to learn so many talented people wish to be considered presidential timber in the 2020 election. Democrats have come out of the woodwork to offer their time and vision.  All of this is good. Very good.

But there is a problem, isn’t there?  So many people running for the office. How do we choose among such a large field?  Look at what happened to the republicans last time. So many candidates. One was inferior to the core. Yet he won the nomination and the election. We are all paying for this currently.

So, what can we learn from this?  

I think the Democrat candidates should meet, consider their options as a group – As A Group – and then determine how to proceed for the good of the nation. Who is best prepared to be president among them? Who has clear vision for the future, a vision that will embrace the entire nation and carry us forward? How can they help each other make this difficult decision?

I’m envisioning a team of leaders willingly giving up their own dreams for the good of the pack. A pack that will emerge as a vibrant team focused and energized to accomplish great things. Among them are these:

1.      List the top ten problems in need of a solution

2.      Prioritize these problems to determine which ones get early attention for solving

3.      Identify how the top ten problems interact with one another so work done on one problem can also serve as part of the solution for other problems

4.      Who should be the top 5 team members for leading portions of the government forward so the 10 problems have the best chance to be solved?

5.      What roles will those 5 team members play on the team?

6.      Might they become key cabinet members for the presidential candidate that is selected by this team to lead the effort?  Will this team approach win the election?

Our country is in trouble. Divisive policies, campaigning and propaganda have atomized our trust and focus as an electorate.  We cannot go forward with ‘anyone but trump.’ That is just too negative. No, we need to winnow out the pack, so the best people are in focus. Then bring that into clearer focus on what needs to get done as a nation, and who will be the best leaders to accomplish this.

American politics tends to be one sole leader at a time rather than a team effort. It is time we changed this. Let the candidates fight it out so we have the best team stepping forward. Please!

The other side of the spectrum is already set to run trump. He is a failed person and president. The history he is making is dismal and shameful. You know that is true. So let’s get it together and answer the debacle with a shining tower of possibility so America will regain her stature we once held high.

There is no time to lose. There is no effort to waste. Let’s focus on what needs to be done, and then do it!

June 26, 2019

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