Saturday, April 11, 2020

Nasty Set the Tone

Now that the 2020 party nominees are likely to be Biden for Democrats, and trump for republicans, the choice is between only the two. Of course, diehards will insist they can cast no vote, or write in another’s name.

Diehards? Maybe that is too strong a label, but the effect of stubbornness will skew the election results just the same. Vote, don’t vote, or waste a vote. The math is affected just the same. 2016’s election proved that: upset with Hilary’s nomination, her opponents wrote in their favorite candidate or stayed home on election day. This allowed the Electoral College mechanism to work its weird function.

The result was the top vote getter lost the election and the least capable one took the reins of American political power.

The results of that are clear for all to see. Our democracy, republic and heritage have been upturned.

All through his campaign for 2016, trump sounded his nasty rant against everyone and everything. Once inaugurated, he kept up the nasty tone. Daily. Vindictive. Dysfunctional. Untrue. Nonfactual. Personal. As I said, nasty.

And that’s what we got for national leadership – nasty.

This is not how I live or work. Perhaps you too?

So, the 2020 presidential election is not between blue or red, or D or R; it is between nasty or nice.

I prefer nice. It gains cooperation from others. It sweetens the day. With nice, the blue skies seem bluer, and the sun brighter. Fact and fiction become more discernable with nice.

So, let’s rid our nation of nasty.

And return to nice.

April 11, 2020

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