Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Being a Citizen

Not being a good citizen, just on being a citizen.

We need to listen to what is being said, written and spouted around us. We need to watch what is going on around us. We need to think about these things, wonder at their effect on our society and lives. Also, should talk with others we trust; what do they think about these very same things? What are their conclusions, if any? Together can we come up with a better understanding of the what, why and who of current events?

Once done with this stage of curiosity, a citizen next considers what she/he should do about it? Do we adapt? Adopt? Or ignore? And what are the likely results of each of these behaviors?

We could also think about long-term and short-term. What’s private and public? What is for my eyes (or mind) only, and what is worthy public discourse? If something is important to me, why? And why then is it not important to someone else? If this is the case, should the ‘other’ help me win my point of view because it is important to me?

Do political parties help or hinder governance in our nation? Given current behaviors a reasonable person ought to conclude parties hinder everything. Justice. Equality. Reason. Education. Commerce. Governance. Music and arts. Everything we experience as sensate human beings is controlled or warped by people with political views. They limit your access to things they don’t want you to know about. They feed you made up facts that skew your thinking, make you think what is plainly not factual.

What is right and what is wrong. Who says so? Who has the authority – legal or moral – to have the power to decide these matters? Really? Do we have to answer that question? In this day and age?

Each of us is the product of our experiences. Our journey in life may seem similar to those of others, but they are not. My journey is different from yours, or the woman down the street. We were born in different places, in different eras, exposed to different cultures, education, and experiences. We gathered meaning from all of this. Logically the meaning is different. It must be.

Education systems are not supposed to inform you; they are supposed to teach you how to process information. Is it true? Is it false? What does it mean? Who says so? Where are the source documents to study on my own? How can I find out what these facts mean or connect with other areas of import?

Was I truly taught how to gather information and think about it? Was I taught how to do my own research and make my own conclusions?

Hopefully so. Most likely not. The educational system needs much help to become more and better. It is not master or slave. To anyone. In the American society of 2020, who is in control? You? Me? Or them? Do we know? Shouldn’t we know?

Just asking. I’m just curious, you know.

September 23, 2020


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