Friday, September 4, 2020

More Next Things

Following a dream or passion may lead to a new business or formation of a nonprofit. We talked about that yesterday. Next things embrace other possibilities as well.

Those possibilities begin in knowing your own mind and emotions. I call that an interest with a passion. These are meaningful cores in each of our lives that give us dimension as human beings.

For example, music may turn your head. It may even be a thread throughout your entire life. You responded to sounds that melded into structured tones which became meaningful to you. Chords, theme lines and rhythms followed. Then lyrics, perhaps. Songs, ballads, or instrumentals only. Perhaps a symphony or sonata? Or a choral piece?

I know one young man who loved guitars. The sound from guitars awed him. Making those sounds lured him into a world of special significance. Making music was one thing, but knowing the instrument became even more of a passion. Soon he was collecting guitars; improving or repairing them. Then one day he made one from scratch. Then another one. Soon he was collecting, rehabbing and building guitars. The passion was allowed to exist; both he and his family allowed this to happen. 

The rest he did himself. Does he make a living doing this? No. it is a well paid avocation, however, and his collection is worth a bunch of money. That, however, is not the objective. No, the music and the instrument of that music is the passion. Along the way he has shared that passion with others and their musical education has begun and is now growing. Where those folks end up with their own passion is not part of our story here; but it is certainly a great result.

Being a survivor of spousal abuse – violence, sexual and/or power – taught the victim what to do to survive. Passing that knowledge on to others to help them survive even faster or better becomes a passion for some. A nonprofit can be formed to address just that. avocation or vocation, the nonprofit allows the passion to be addressed.

Inventing a product or service that fills a void in the marketplace is another gift to fuel a passion. Giving it air may deliver the new to market. A small business may be the implement of choice. Or a patent or copyright. All of these are saleable. They have value. But the passion is the fuel that makes it happen.

Passion is the Next Thing.

Allowing the passion to grow is critical. We have this within. For it to live and prosper, we must allow it space, air, light to develop.

America has a gift for this. It is part of our social genius and creates meaningful lives, commerce, industry and charity. These are the building blocks of community. It starts with the individual. It is fed by personal freedom.

The rest is up to the person. And passion.

September 4, 2020

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