Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal

Of course, it is time to withdraw our military personnel from Afghanistan. The job we went there for is done. Osama Bin Lama is dead. Hunted down and killed ignominiously. Just as he killed 3000 Americans on September 11th.

We worked through some crap in Afghanistan to do the job. Our job was not to save Afghanistan. But true to our nature we bolstered the current ruling body, brought in advanced medical facilities and services to their suffering people, built up their economy, built up their defenses to their common domestic enemies (Taliban) and tried to leave Afghanistan better than we found it.

Good intentions did not have the desired effects. Historically the nation is a class ridden culture that is greedy and violent. The Taliban is not the only force of thuggery in Afghanistan. There are many. And a trillion dollars of American military, economic and social relief has gone into private pockets. The people still suffer. Violence still flares. Death and destruction continue unabated.

We have learned we cannot build nations. We have also come to know that we cannot change cultures in foreign lands. All we can do is help. But then that help must be well thought out and be of mutual agreement. In Afghanistan that has not been the case.

The military job is done. The Mahujadeen and Taliban remain in place. They are cultural. They are allowed to be by their society. If society wanted them gone, they would rise and make that so. They have not. Therefore, it is allowed. That is their choice. That is not America’s business to do.

So yes, it is time our military withdrew from the region. Will something uglier move in to take our place? Probably. Almost always has in that region. But then, it is allowed by their people. That is on them.

Enough is enough.

April 21, 2021


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