Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Cancel Culture?

No. Culture is not being canceled, unless you count country music nearly suffocating classical music! Is that what you mean? If not, then kindly stop the disinformation campaign.

I am concerned about a lot of issues. All are important to our commonweal. Campaigning for special interest groups just because they will gain or be hurt by pending legislation on a matter is propaganda. Take voting rights. In my view, Georgia overstepped its power by restricting voter rights in the name of protecting against voter fraud. The elements contained in the Georgia voting rights bill have been researched and discussed many times over the past many decades. Each has proven false. But the sound bites sound logical. Therein lies the mischief of disinformation.

For that Georgia deserves to feel some consequences. Governor Kemp was horrified when he and his republican officials were condemned for not overturning election results that did not favor Trump. But now they are buying favor for creating the very platform and election fraud they were accused of avoiding. Huh?

Look, the people of Georgia also welcome economic giants and corporations like Coke, CNN and many others. People work for those corporations. People vote. Corporations do not vote. However, corporations feel the benefits of friendly legislation they lobby for in the state’s capitol and Washington D.C. If those corporate giants are going to benefit from this favored status, then they have to stand up for the basic building blocks of our democracy. If they don’t, they should suffer the consequences.

Blocking fairness and access to voting should earn a response from those businesses. If not, they should be punished in the marketplace. Boycotts are the only way consumers can ‘vote’ with their dollars to send a message to giants for sitting out important discussions from which they benefit. Coca Cola, where are you on voting rights in a major southern state like Georgia? Let us hear from you and learn what you intend to do about it. Doing nothing is the same as remaining silent on slavery or any other historical wrong allowed to happen and fester.

Same with airlines, sports teams and all the rest. Major League Baseball did the right thing by moving the All Star Game out of Georgia.

Actions have consequences. It is about time everyone played by the same rules, the same game book.

Texas, Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi take note. Your actions should feel the burn from the rest of the American citizenry. No one in our land lives on an island free from consequences.

April 13, 2021


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