Thursday, April 18, 2013

Shame on Us

Actually shame upon the Congress of the United States of America. Firearm background checks were clearly supported by most Americans. They told their elected representatives of this. The attorneys who know understand the proposed legislation was not in danger of undermining the US Constitution, specifically the second amendment.

The proposed legislation did not remove guns from anyone. The new law was not unusual or unprecedented. It was a law that had been in place but the old law expired its stated term but reviving it has been impossible for many years – because politicians chose to keep the new law from being approved.

Senators evidently feel they have a right for full employment as a senator for life. That they don’t have to do anything for their pay, their employment, their contract with the people of the United States.  They swear to uphold the law, the Constitution. Yet they took refuge from logic because they felt they would be voted out of office by daring to go against the National Rifle Association.

Hogwash. The American voters know the scoop. They are authorizing the writing of the new gun legislation. Elected officials are put in office to do the will of the people. Yet they chose to renege on that employment contract.

Perhaps they are cowards. Perhaps they have no working core of logic in their minds. Perhaps they are overly self centered. Whatever the reason, they have let the country down. And they now bring shame upon themselves and the innocent victims of gun violence.

More importantly they have brought shame to America. We cannot get things done. That is the real message.

Same with education. Our system is broken but they choose to ignore it. Our state legislators ignore it too. Everyone is running around pointing fingers of blame when all they have to do is sit down in a room, admit there is a problem and then work with others to find ways to solve the problem, or at least improve upon the situation. Doing nothing is not an option.

Yet that is what they have been doing in Congress, in Illinois’ legislature, in New York’s legislature, and most other states as well. Same with pension reform. Same with election finance reform. Also, too, with national long term energy problems.

The list goes on. Lots of problems. Lots of work needing to get done. But no heroes among our elected officials. They seek ways to escape their responsibility. And they get away with it.

And that’s the largest shame of all. We. The. Voters. Let. This. Happen. Over and over again. We let it happen. No consequences. The ballot box is without power evidently. We ignore the ignominy. We let it happen.

It is on us what’s wrong with our country. It isn't just Washington DC or state capitols. It is Home Town USA. It is each of us.

It all rests on us.

Are you ready to take on the responsibility? Are you?

April 18, 2013

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