Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Struggles to do Right

I don’t know who she is – Lynda Field – but she shared this thought that made it to the internet some days ago:

            “No person and no thing has any power over you
unless you give them that power.”

That includes anger. I've been told many times letting someone else make you angry is like renting out space in your brain for no rent! Same with resentments, those hideous negative feelings about a circumstance or person you feel unable to change or control.

Letting go of the anger and resentment will free you from unnecessary grief and upset!  Try it. The problem remains – for someone to care about and do something about. But you don’t have to do it. This duty needs group participation.

An age-old prayer long known as the Serenity Prayer goes like this:

            “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
             The courage to change the things I can, and
             The wisdom to know the difference.”

For just a moment it may seem humorous but then the acute wisdom becomes evident.  Much in life I cannot change or control. So accept it for what it is. Deal with it. On the other hand I can accomplish more than I think and all I need is the courage to try and make a difference. That does make a difference in my life and those I have touched in a positive manner. Knowing what I can change and what I cannot takes careful thought and discernment. If I can’t tell which is which I must place it in the first category.

The serenity, you see, frees the spirit to handle a multitude of aches and pains. It gives freedom to experience life more fully. Along the way we also learn better methods for coping with burdens and we learn how good life is when we let it. And simple!

Gaining this level of personal insight is important. It helps follow the advice of Nelson Mandela, who said:

            “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”

Do make those choices. Take courage in hand and do what you can for others, self and family. You will be on the path of serenity as well as keeping negative people out of your head.

July 17, 2013

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