Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thought for the Day

Standing up for Right

John Fugelsang provides the quote of the day:

“When Barack Obama deals with Syria by invading the wrong country and giving $39 billion to Joe Biden’s old company then we can compare it to Iraq.”

I am not sorry if this quote jangles your equilibrium. George Bush barged into Iraq on a lie, mismanaged the war incomprehensibly, hired old pals to contract services to the military, covered up more lies and then pronounced victory 5 years before the peace which never did come about. Bush told the world what to do and did it. The rest of us scrambled around finding ways to say yes! Then regretted it for years.

Don’t tell me mistakes don’t happen on a colossal basis!

Syria is not like Iraq. Syria is like Germany under Adolph. What does the world do about that? What does the world think about that? What does the world’s largest and most successful democracy think about that?

Well, Obama asked us. We told him. And we abased ourselves.

Now who’s the leader?

Good thing to think upon this weekend. Do take your time about it. The stakes are very high indeed!

September 21, 2013

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