Friday, December 11, 2015

Boots on the Ground?

Yep, once again the American public has vented their frustrations with the ISIS threat on American soil and has stated 53% to 47% that they want American troops on foreign soil fighting the ISIS threat.

There are two likely locations for these troops: Syria and Iraq. Libya and Turkey are sites following closely behind the first two. At any rate a Middle Eastern war front is envisioned by the Americans polled.

Here are very likely consequences of this action:

  1. Without an agreement with Russia as a coalition force, an open war with Russia in Syria is virtually a done deal; such a war would not be limited or constrained by Russia, so the temperature of this hot skirmish/war would be intense
  2. A front in Iraq would be joined by Russia, Iran as well as ISIS partners. You think the American war in Iraq was ugly and ineffective? You haven’t seen anything like what this new one will be like
  3. A war in Libya would be more constrained in all likelihood, but others (dissidents, Al Qaeda, Taliban and ISIS) will jump right in. Of course Russia would remain a threat in this theater of war
  4. Turkey is a showdown region: a nation sandwiched between the Middle East and Russia. It is a region of major contention in the eyes of Russia so they will not fade back into the background. It would seem Russia is spoiling for a fight in Turkey and hopes American troops will provide the focus for them to enter the fight 
For all Americans spoiling for this fight I would remind them that innocents killed in Iraq under American war direction amounted to probably 400,000. This number does not include injured and maimed casualties. Those number in the several hundred thousands, perhaps as many as a million.

We are not including here Afghanistan. Innocents killed and maimed are seriously in the hundreds of thousands.

And then there are American troops killed and maimed. Visit the Pentagon and the Veterans’ Administration for up-to-date numbers for both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The numbers are staggering but nothing compared with what those two nations suffered among their domestic populations.

War is hell. It is also expensive. The past wars stemming from 9-11 cost over $2 trillion and the costs continue to mount. With little exaggeration a new war against ISIS would cost $2 trillion more and could very likely be double that figure.

The President has outlined his plan for fighting ISIS. The plan is both old and new and improved. What he cannot talk about in public are other aspects of the enhanced plan. He’s no fool and will not divulge intentions and strategies for the enemy. But he also figures that his own citizens will be smart enough to understand that diplomacy saves lives and also serves our values well.

Obama’s strategy so far is to protect American soil with our existing effective defenses through Homeland Security and its partner agencies. Those agencies all are learning more details on ISIS and its forays into America. Bolstered budgets and personnel will increase the effectiveness of our defenses on the home front.

In the Middle East Obama has invested much power – military, diplomatic, economic, and cultural – to build an effective coalition of Middle Eastern nations to fight ISIS on their own soil. This strategy ties in with local interests to preserve their own nations and cultures – and religions – rather than rely on foreign powers. This is their fight first and foremost. America is a giant helper, supplier, mentor, coach and organizer in their efforts. We also have invested high tech solutions, training, personnel and equipment to the effort both on site and at remote locations. This methodology has been very effective so far in the early fight against ISIS.

Perseverance and dedication will pay huge dividends by staying on course. It is way too early to give up valuable ground already earned and raise the costs in dollars and lives by sending our troops to the region in massive numbers.

This would be foolish in the extreme. Wisdom dictates a smarter strategy. The pentagon, military leaders, diplomats and coalition partners know much more about this than the citizens who responded to an American political poll.

The time for calm and steadiness is certainly upon us. To protect our homeland is one front of activity. To take the fight to the enemy (ISIS) is the job of the nations already in the region. It is their homeland region, not ours. It is their culture and religions to be protected and preserved, not ours. Help them help themselves and the world community. It is this partnership and collaboration that is needed.

American leadership, yes; hegemony, no.

Take deep breaths and remain calm. Trust your government and your military. They know better than the rest of us what is going on and must be done. The rest of what you hear is empty fear mongering and political trumpeting.

Shame on the noise makers. Blessings upon the peace makers.

December 11, 2015

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