Monday, October 8, 2018


Rage continues. On both sides of the Kavanaugh issue. His temperament remains in question. That doesn’t seem to bother republicans. He is a conservative ideolog who favors republican political views. We know where his court decisions will most likely be in the future. The long future.

It is a shame this happened. It is a full transparent view of what ails America and its governance system. It cannot deal with incivility or principled discussion. It melts down. Resentments fly. Emotions soar. That makes whatever exists in the voice box OK to let loose. Not!

Leadership roles call for calm and reasoned direction at times like these. Few have been provided. There are individuals who have tried, but then failed in their own conclusions. Flake and Collins are the most recent examples. The white house should provide some calm, but only vituperatives  are heard. The democrats continue a shrunken role and demur inspired leadership.

I think America is better than this. We can have a principled nation if we work for it. The lazy way out of all this is to read little, feel little, and leave voting to others. This is what we get from automatic pilot; the greedy are not lazy. They are motivated to seek, find and grab for themselves.

Look in the mirror. Ask the reflection if ‘I did enough to keep the nation on an even keel?”

The answer is likely no. We didn’t discuss the issues with others except with those we knew would agree. We didn’t want to get our hands messy with the details. We voted and let others do so as well. But the ignorant did vote; with half a mind, and only that focused on self.

This is the risk of democracy. We know what follows.

So, what will we do about it? If we don’t act, we will truly deserve what we get.

One lesson I would hope people would consider is this: leadership is a shared duty of many mindsets. 
The merging of ideas embraces more than one point of view. Including diverse viewpoints provides broader acceptance of other people and cultures. It is who we are as Americans. We are not of one ancestry. We are a polyglot of nations and cultures. It is why we are natural leaders in history. We do not badger or threaten others in the world community. We are, after all, a part of their history too in generations past. We preserve their dignity to preserve our own roots.

We are not of one religion. Nor of theological belief. We are several in that department as well. Best we embrace all so we welcome all. Not that any of us are forced to believe in another’s religion, but respect it and let them be. They will do the same with us and our beliefs. Freedom of religion is freedom of both parties, none judging the other.

We are all believers in something. Ideology or theology. To let this be in full diversity is enriching, not threatening. We must find the unity among the many. 

October 8, 2018

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