Thursday, October 4, 2018

Profound Moment

A profound moment in history is upon us. Will we respond well to it? Will we show our resolve for bedrock values we say we believe?

We shall see. The moment is upon us. We are thinking. We are sensing the depth of its worth, reach and consequence. Is this a turning point? We don’t know.

After John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the nation reeled and pondered the future based on its ugly present. The 1964 Voting Rights Act was enacted to protect voting rights of a huge swath of minority citizens among us. Equal rights for women followed, but stutteringly. Neither action was easy; it was made possible by much suffering by many innocent citizens we knew and loved. That was a profound moment in our history.

We know today that racism and sexism are very much a part of America’s present. We say both are wrong. We say something must be done about them; both of them. Their presence smells of our rot as a culture. We dare not let it persist.

But how do we do this? How do we address such issues?

Talk about them. Openly. Honestly. Without rancor or retribution, as much as these are part of the problem. Try to love the people involved. Forgive them and ourselves for the complicity in allowing these travesties to continue for so long.

Turn the tide and embrace change. This is a change that will cleanse and freshen.

A profound change birthed in a profound moment of history.

We owe this to so many who have suffered. We owe it to ourselves.

We become whole at such moments. Will we?

October 4, 2018

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