Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Civics 101

It is time for citizens to re-educate themselves on how America’s form of government came to be. And then, how it works in principle. This education will demonstrate how the principles were abridged at times and distorted the process. Amending the process is one thing; distorting it is another.

Transparent government is a principled goal. How it operates in clear view of everyone is what makes it work while remaining trusted. Changing it must also be deliberate, out in the open, and clearly mandated by the amendatory powers of the people as provided in the US Constitution. Thus the people retain the power to govern themselves. Elected officials are our proxy in this. They speak for us and make decisions for us. If they err, they are replaced by those who are supposed to follow our will as expressed in the outcome of elections.

Professional personnel that do the work of the government are hired by our elected officials. At the expense of the people, the personnel – career professionals hopefully – are trained, supervised and accountable to our ‘board of directors’, the Congress. Overseeing the entire process is the Executive branch. Maintaining scrupulous supervision of the guiding principles, is the Supreme Court.

The system ought to work; it has for over a couple centuries. Some hiccups are to be expected. What is not expected is a takeover of the government itself by factions within the government. The will and direction of the people have become obscured by the professional politician, not the professional staff.

These miscreants have been elected by us, the people. They can be un-elected by us in the same manner.

I guess our duty is clear. Vote in the mid-term elections and every election thereafter. It is an unspoken oath of citizenship. Just do it.

October 2, 2018

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