News is frustrating. Good and bad items are reported. People helping people warm our hearts. Crime and violence chill us. Politics often disgust. So many voices plying differing points of view. Facts shared. Arts touted. Marriages and births announced. Graduation from 8th grade, 12th grade, college and graduate school. Achievements shared so we can see the good that is happening.
In other reports analysis is reported. What do some numbers mean? What is the trend of events and what does that mean? Do we understand these data? Are we convinced we are making our own conclusions with this information?
The mood of the people shifts as it encounters realities they don’t understand. Some things are readily understood; the challenge, however, is absorbing what’s happening so it informs us and doesn’t defeat us.
Pandemic is real. Over 100,000 Americans have died. Most experts believe this number is under reported; the complexity of the disease, its widespread presence, and the isolation of so many ill people in their homes afraid to seek treatment; they die because of the fear, and from a health condition that leads to death. Is this death COVID? Or something else? We will never know.
People are affected by the pandemic directly or indirectly. We are affected by the living conditions we adopt in order to slow or halt the spread of the disease. It is what we have been asked to do. It is what we obediently do. And the trajectory of the disease has been altered, by what we each have done.
Still, there are those who do not believe this or any of the pandemic. They see threats to their way of life, their finances, their hopes and dreams. And their ideology. They see someone telling them what to do and they react as though this is a usurpation of their American rights. Nonsense, of course, but I understand their frustration and their fear. I don’t feel the same thing; I don’t know the same thing as they. But I do have faith and trust in our form of government, society and our joint hopes for the future.
Fifty two years ago I felt differently. 1968 was a pinnacle year of assassinations, riots, violence, and so much more. Racism was real. Killings were real. Many killings. Much violence. Black Americans having it done to them, doing it to their others, and feeling the injustice amassing more each day. It is their reality. It is insidious and demoralizing.
White supremacy within America seems to be a thing. I thought it was finished, but I was wrong. I had hoped racism had waned, but I was wrong.
We have a problem in 2020 America. It is racism pure and simple. It is violent and disrespectful of people of color. It is not just African Americans feeling this. It is also our Hispanic friends, families and neighbors. It is our Asian friends, families and colleagues. it is, in fact, anyone who is different.
Arab? Middle Eastern? You must be a Muslim and a terrorist. White? You are the privileged who has power and influence. White is the enemy. Black is the enemy.
Different is the enemy.
Throughout the pandemic public servants do their jobs with honor, great effort, and under difficult circumstances to protect us, the public. They protect us from the disease and from ourselves. They acted even when they didn’t have all the facts, but they did so in good faith. They were mostly correct and their decisions were life-saving. As time went on the pandemic ebbed. Public policy in Illinois has been excellent; difficult and frustrating, but spot on. Policy made a difference. Lives were saved. And we will see society come back to some form of normal soon.
But in Minneapolis, Louisville, Georgia, Florida, Washington DC, Texas and so many other states, people of diversity are discriminated against and injured, maimed, and killed. They are robbed and stripped of their dignity, their assets, and their peace of mind.
The ugly American lives among us. During the pandemic as obstructionist citizens. Racism always delivers a continuing onslaught of violence and death. Terrorism is on the mind of many when they see someone of middle eastern descent. The ideologues in elected positions, people of power beleaguering good people with bad government. A president who is self-centered, a bully, and totally out of tune with the large majority of our people. Stirring up violence, rudeness, disrespect and disorder.
The White House is in shambles. It no longer is trusted by the American people. The drums of violence grow louder just as they did in 1968. If anyone doubts assassinations and more violence is on our doorstep, just wait. The tempo of ugly is a constant in our lives.
Can we avoid the inevitable chaos? No one knows. We are getting through the horror and disruption of the pandemic. We maintained social order enough to get us through. There is still a chance for a second or third wave of the pandemic. But we know more now. We have discipline. We should beat this virus. So many good people have done the right things and followed the right directions from dedicated professional public servants, we can continue the fight successfully.
This progress is stained by foolish fearmongers. The rotten apples in the barrel once again make their presence known. But a heavy majority did the right thing and we are better for it.
Will the same be said of our racism and war against diversity?
I’m not holding my breath.
May 30, 2020
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