Hair: I kind of like how my hair is growing out. It is more brown than grey, and the few flecks of grey focus on the temples. Looks kind of nice, mature. Sides are long and swept back. Top lies well. Back is shaggy but reminiscent of the 70’s. I liked that look. Carefree and blown. I’m in no hurry to have a hair cut.
Gas prices: at $35 a barrel that’s half of what crude was priced at several months ago. Then gas was $3.20 a gallon. Now it is $2.35. Seems to me it ought to be $1.60. Oil people set the price and get what they want. But then, the oil standard is old school and ought to be phased out entirely. Electric cars or hydrogen. Let’s get with this development sooner than later.
Wearing a Face Mask: this is a no brainer. A mask keeps me safer from you, and you from me. Mutual caring gets us through the pandemic safely. The opposite is a nightmare and tragedy easily avoided.
Church Going: our church is very active electronically. We weren’t before the pandemic, but now we are. Church services are live-streamed over Facebook and available anytime after as a recorded video, again on Facebook. Our webpage will get a makeover and be more interactive. Our communications will continue electronically over email, phone text and twitter. Whatever our members use will be on our radar. A coordinated communications scheme is being considered to make our communications both accurate and effective in this new age. So we are connected and ‘see’ each other quite well, Thank You! And we are safe and healthy!!
Auto Insurance: I have an electronic monitor on my car issued by the insurance company. It gives me weekly reports on fast starts, fast stops, idle time and miles driven. It also peers into my nighttime driving habits. The latter are none. Mileage is between 29 and 68 per week. I should get more than a measly $50 rebate, don’t you think?
Driving: short trips to the drug store drive-up window, drive-up fast food restaurants, and curbside pick up of other food orders online. Other than that we don’t drive much. Dropped off some books at my daughter’s home in St. Charles. That was the longest trip (22 miles round trip). Am seeing much more traffic than I expected. Also, driving styles are nutty. Some drive too fast and aggressively. Others are slow and pokey, in the way. Accidents are still happening, some pretty wild. I thought the world would have slowed down in the epidemic. Guess not!
News Programming: I’m burned out over the news. Other than local and state officials doing the right thing, the national pulse is opposite of what I expected. I can only tsk-tsk so much before the tongue and lips give out. So, I avoid news programming entirely now. This may last until after the fall election. Meanwhile, I read extensively online sources and feel well informed. Different points of view help me understand the issues better. At least I think so.
Online Humor: with no printed news material entering the household, humor is either on TV or on the internet. I must admit my age is creating a problem. Some jokes I simply do not get. I have learned that my social education is not keeping up with the popular moods. Hmm. When did that happen?
Weather: when it rains and clouds over I feel sad and gloomy. I don’t have to go out into the weather, or even drive in it, so why does this bother me? All I know is the sun lifts my spirits. Blue skies abutting green horizons brighten my day.
I hope the same for you.
May 27, 2020
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