Sunday, May 10, 2020

Topics Needing Our Attention

Much discussion, debate, and argument in the news and on social media these days. Time to cut to the basics. In my view the top attention getters for action are:

1.      Pandemic management

2.      Climate change

3.      Education reinvention

4.      Appreciation of diversity and its culture

Each of these are interdependent on each other. The economy relies on these four. Trying to fix the economy can’t be done well without addressing these four. They are not only interdependent; they are revolutionizing components of each other. Shift one element and everything else shifts, too. That’s the nature of revolutionizing.

Addressing these items will take major investment by our society. We can do that individually, by corporation, by government, whatever. It takes coordination and funding. It takes talent and ingenuity. Creativity and inventiveness, too.

Along the journey for each item we will find a host of other items that are dependent elements needing attention. Climate change requires energy generation from new technology, not old. The oil standard will eventually disappear. We will generate energy from many sources, most of them unknown at this time. technology and research is needed big time to make this happen. But oil will be a major loser.

Education is a constant in all we do. We educate our kids to get along well with others. We help them learn logic and facts so they can encounter the real world on their own eventually and make sense of it. We help them learn career oriented skills and talents so they can support themselves and their future families.

But education must change with a changing world, new discoveries, and altered realities. Some changes will be small but persistent over time. Others, like pandemics or world wars, create massive disruption and change. All change must be intelligently managed. Understanding change is the job of education; learning how to live with change is the job of education; remaining human while doing all of this is the job of education. Education is the cornerstone of all we do and become.

That’s why it is an ever-present investment we make. For our kids? Yes, but also for the future. Everyone’s future.

Educated people will be needed to manage the pandemics of the future and the huge challenges like climate change. Only education can bring the right resources to these issues to invent solutions.

Invention does not come just from white people, either. It comes from blacks, browns, and others in spectrum across the globe. Diverse peoples and their cultures must be accommodated and welcomed to work together and solve our problems. Lest we forget, these issues are global. We Americans are not alone.

I’m thinking the four issues listed above are pretty much on-the-mark. Any other suggestions for the list?

May 10, 2020

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