Monday, October 15, 2012

Thinking Big?

From comes this interesting thought:

            The Black Cat Analogy

            PHILOSOPHY is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat.

            METAPHYSICS is like being in a dark room and looking for a black
           Cat  that isn’t there.

            THEOLOGY is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat
            that isn’t there and shouting ‘I found it!’

            SCIENCE is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat using
            a flashlight.”

Philosophy is a search for meaning. Metaphysics is looking for a larger world of meaning that gives all other meaning meaning (if you catch my drift!). Theology is the struggle to deal with meaning with missing pieces of the jigsaw. Science, of course, deals with the real world and searches for the facts, where they find them, their position in reality, and what it means for everything else while still searching for the missing pieces.

Taking any one of these four disciplines alone sort of defeats their function, eh?

Now, for the greatest of oxymorons, add Political in front of each of the four terms. That would give us these terms:
            Political Philosophy
            Political Metaphysics
            Political Theology
            Political Science

Of course, the last term creates the earlier three terms. And that’s where we are locked in space and time today, October 2012. Such a pity.

October 15, 2012

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