Monday, October 29, 2012

Winding Down?

As we approach election day 2012 things are winding down; or are they? Depends on your point of view of course. But there are a few feelings I have that I wish to share with my readers.

First, it continues to amaze me how our nation treats elections as sport rather than serious process. It is not sport. It is about serious issues that need our input so we can move forward into the future with eyes open and spirits aerated by fact.

Second, lack of truth telling in campaign ads exposes the bankruptcy of the advertising. That it can make a difference spouting nonsense says more about the consumer than the politician. Maybe Jack Nicholson was correct, “You can’t handle the truth.” Remember that line in his movie about the killing of an innocent in an Army barrack? That iconic line may be true. Many of our fellow citizens simply cannot handle the reality of truth, fact. It holds them back and they make decisions on emotions, mostly fear: that which they cannot understand.

Third, laziness of citizens. Many don’t vote at all. They do not even accept the challenge of their responsibility to do their duty as a free, democratic citizen of a very worthy nation. Their laziness is supported by the unwillingness to read and think about the issues that matter. They are complex and hard to understand at times. But these voters won’t even scratch the surface.

Fourth, because of the above, schlock politicos take advantage of the electorate’s lowest common denominators among us. Name calling and uncivil messages and behavior is rewarded by votes. Sara Palin’s antics serve as an excellent example here.

Fifth, news organizations that do not subscribe to the American Truth Ideal in reporting. Journalism is about reporting facts and historical bases of fact. Journalism is about ferreting out the truth about Cause – Effect – Result. That is clearly not being done by CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS or FOX News. Especially Fox. A recent internet note reads:

“Fox News Banned in Canada: Canada’s Radio Act requires that ‘a licenser may not broadcast…any false or misleading news.’ The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom.” Especially highlighted was Sean Hannity who was quoted as responding: “OK…so I make stuff up…so sue me!”
We’ve done better Sean; we ignore you.
Sixth, candidates make up statements to put themselves into a better spotlight position. Romney recently claimed this election is about the American Family. Really? The home foreclosures, lack of mortgage reform, unemployment within the middle class, war hawk foreign policy, unified Republican resistance to Jobs Bill, Mortgage Reform Act, Assistance Bill for State and Local police, fire and teacher jobs, and many more acts of interim repair to the economy…all worsened the plight of American families. Especially the middle class which is the engine for can-do talent and employment, the earners who drive the consumer economy of our land, and who have the brains and education to understand what has been happening to them. Shame on you Mitt for such as travesty of truth.

Seventh, use of fear in politics and how it disadvantages truth. Have you ever noticed that Republicans routinely make statements portending enormous calamity is about to appear if they lose the election? Any election? John McCain used it. Newt used it. Nearly every Republican presidential primary candidate used it; now Romney is using it.  You know why? Because the tactic seems to work. Normally intelligent voters vote against fear. That means the other side of the discussion is killed off without thinking it through.

Eighth, losing political campaigns fight their opposition by claiming large false claims because it is nearly impossible to defend against such unless the truth has been broadly distributed and understood. The falseness then has a chance to be disposed of out of hand. BUT, has the truth been well enough distributed for such understanding to be readily accepted? If the audience is not tuned in, there is a real chance that the message has not been received.

Ninth, CEOs of major corporations are demanding deficit action in a Wall Street Journal front page story published October 25th. Trouble is the deficit was created almost entirely by the actions of Republicans in the White House and in Congress over the 8 years of George W. Bush. Lest readers forget, Afghanistan and Iraq wars were waged off the budget pages until Obama entered the White House. He insisted on non-voodoo accounting and promptly placed the war expenses on budget so we could track financial reports sensibly. He has reduced expenses steadily and raised some revenues. The result? The smallest deficit in the last 11 years. How’s that for deficit action, CEO’s? In spite of opposition by Republicans!

Tenth, uncivil language begets uncivil language and behavior. After the election it is nearly impossible to heal the hurts created during such campaigns. And when did this begin? During the George H.W. Bush campaign pitted against Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. The Bush campaign sank to new lows in their rhetoric. This caused more problems for them as Ross Perot’s campaign picked up the disenchanted Bush-ites. The result? Bill Clinton won.

But Republicans unhesitatingly bullied and battered Clinton from the election on through both of his terms and past his end of term. They hounded him and Hillary mercilessly for 10 years and forced him into debt for legal defenses amounting to more than $16 million. Luckily, they made him so popular with Americans that his books more than handily covered all of the debt!

But the mold was cast for future campaigns and they turned dirty and nasty. We are still in this mode. Birthers. Racists. Liars. Yarn spinners. Hideous stories and outright rot. Nothing seems to shame the conservatives, the evangelicals and republican fear mongers.

At some point one wonders who is getting hurt the most. Well the message for me is: ALL OF US! Young people are embarrassed by this behavior and avoid campaigns. Old people are confused by the bombast and pull away from their public duty. Well meaning citizens feel dirty and pull away from the shenanigans. The result skews election results and makes for very poor cooperation in any politicized setting: Congress, Senate, state legislatures, you name it.

Pity that! So much lost for no or little gain. It is a poison in our society and it needs to be removed. How? When so many otherwise good people are led so far astray?

If it sounds negative, it is. Stop listening, speak up, or silence your own wagging tongue!

Vote responsibly or don’t vote at all, please. Know the issues and take responsibility for them. It is up to you. Each of you.

October 29, 2012

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