Friday, February 8, 2013

Coming to Life

What to write on this subject? And from what basis will the words flow? Will they be logical, emotional, poetic or prosaic? Will they ring true to your experience or only to a few others?

A commentary is never done. There are topics constantly present. This morning a sliver of moon hung in the black sky. As light dawned the moon slipped upwards and westward. Inky sky became deepest purple. Moments later a tinge of orange hinted sunrise. The day was breaking.

Changing light witnessed the comb of tree branches edging the horizon. Leafless now they will become feathers in place of combs for spring. Anyone else notice the ‘comb’? I first was aware of this many years ago as I drove from Texarkana home toward Illinois. I had started before dawn as I intended to beat an ice storm brewing in the west and promising disruption in Illinois for my trip if I didn't beat it home!

As dawn hinted its arrival I was fascinated by the comb-like effect of leafless trees on the horizon back lit by the rising dawn light. Comb was the word that sprang to mind. It stuck there all these years. A good look to contemplate as you drive 1000 miles in a day.

Artists have treasured the look of bare branches against changing sky-hues. Intensity of the light is one factor. But the barren branches are not straight. They are crooked and gnarly, bumpy and bud-laden for spring production of new life. Now in icy slumber.

Blankets of snow cover the ground, snuggling the expectations of greenery a few months from now. Safe in bed the grass keeps. Nature prepares its change of seasons well in advance.

Why this fascination with nature this morning? Why not? Life is all around us. Tempting us to respond to promise at every turn. Oh sure there are things on our to-do list today. Meetings to go to; meetings to prepare for; meetings to document afterwards and prepare the to-do lists of next week. There are people to see and transactions to complete. There are commutes and dressing, and bathing and eating. There is living. The time we spend in between the other items is meant for thinking and feeling. It keeps us anchored to who we are. It becomes who we are.

It is simple yet complex. It is challenging yet rewarding. It unfolds bidden or not. Intentional work helps it become more of what we want it to be. But we are not in control of that fully which adds more dimension and suspense to the journey!

Along the way we learn who and what are important to us. We also come to know ourselves better. The ‘I’ takes shape. Learning comes in bits and pieces. Work builds understanding but only if we let it happen. And put in the effort. Am I doing that? Are you?

“If someone listens or stretches out their hand or whispers a word or encouragement or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen.”

What extraordinary things are we making happen today?

February 8, 2013

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