Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thought for the Day

Two thoughts to ponder this weekend. They are related I think.

The first comes from a billboard spotted on the internet:

            “Why is it only ‘class warfare’ when we fight back?”

Indeed! If a large group of people are made scapegoats by another large group of people, who is calling which group a ‘class’? When the group perceived as ‘lower’ or ‘lesser’ than the name caller, why is it class warfare when one defends oneself? Isn't the class warfare the actions by one against the other? Aren't they the definers of the warfare?

The second thought is from Maya Angelou:

            “The more you know of your history the more liberated you are.”

Seems to me Maya has this right. Only you have the particular history. It is yours. No one has labeling rights over you. The more you own your history the freer you are to live life honestly and openly. The class label-er becomes known as the fraud. Not you.

February 9, 2013

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