Monday, August 5, 2013

Unexpected Schedules

Spent the day in medical tests the other day. Six hours worth! Totally unplanned. The doctor wanted to see me for a 6-month checkup so he could extend a prescription. Meanwhile he asked me for any medical complaints. As usual I had a few, all of them related to aging.

He puckered his brow and nodded his head. He poked and probed and listened. Then pronounced ever so politely that he though a CT scan was in order. So off I went to a lab for blood and urine work plus the scan.

The staff was most pleasant. We shared laughs and puns as well as observations of life.

By the end of all the technical work it came down to an aging bowel with expanding pockets so a new diet is in order, one that is full of fiber and mush so the diverticuli remain ho hum and healthy. That keeps diverticulitis at bay don’t you know? So now we learn to live around diverticulosis. So many words meaning the same condition, just different stages of it.

Nothing to worry about, really. To live comfortably eat simply and honestly. Stay away from the good things that sophisticated palettes desire. Naturally!

At least I now know what ailed me then and now. Good food leads to a stomach ache, er bowel-ache. And such goes the ever changing kaleidoscope of health!

Bon Appetite!

August 5, 2013

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