Monday, August 19, 2013

Dust Tails

The GPS gave us directions. They didn't work out well. From an Interstate highway we quickly were guided down country blacktops. Road by road we made the turns as the disembodied computer voice instructed us. Then – suddenly we were on a gravel road. Going 45 miles an hour seemed a bit risky so I slowed to 40. One and a half lanes. Tails of dust rose from the back of the car. Long wisps of dust rising into the deep blue sky marking our way into croplands awaiting harvest in a few weeks.

Soon the back window of the van was obscured by dust sediment. A quick flip of the rear wiper plowed a clear view with a swirl of dust. But still the dust tails rose behind the car.

With relief we found ourselves back on paved roads and finally into small towns. GPS recalculated a couple of times but eventually led us to the back entrance of the Sandwich (Ill.) Fairgrounds. From there it was an easy dog leg to our destination.

Still we search for our new home. This day’s journey was back to the trailer park. Saw four more homes, two we had previously seen, both under heavy rehab; two were new to us. Workable. Pleasant. Homey.

Management promised us a good deal and help in financing it. Feeling better about our situation – as though there is a resolution likely to be a happy one – we left for home thinking about what we had seen.

Croplands are lush. Country lanes are curving and in good repair. Travel is swift and uncomplicated. Woodlands dot the landscape and surround the roads in much of the area. It is a peaceful region. And we know it is home to many nice people. Is this our possible future?

Once home we had received an email response from our real estate agent. Could she help us? Yes, we said, we have many options we wish to explore through her. One is single family homes in Sandwich as an option to a double-wide trailer. Are such homes affordable and available?  Second, is there still an option for us in Oregon, Illinois? Yes she told us, and she had referred us to the same agent we had already worked with in that town.

Third, what about condos in the west suburban areas of Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, Geneva, St. Charles and Naperville? Were there possibilities that would provide us a new home while maintaining our relationships with family, friends, church and medical contacts? Again yes.

And so we plan further exploration nearby our present home with new possibilities.

At breakfast this morning I asked Rocky what he had been thinking of since we last left Sandwich.  His reply?  Pretty basic: Sandwich represents a pleasant place and home we are moving toward and it includes the possibility of continuing his ceramic art. Remaining close to Warrenville eliminates his art studio if we do not find a home with a two-car garage or a suitable outbuilding. The only reasons we considered a condo was affordability and availability. I knew it would mean finding another solution for the studio including eliminating it entirely.

The starkness of that decision creates the image of retirement in full – utter retirement. No art. No old friends. Nothing to fill the days until our medical end of life. How depressing!

If we are to go on living life with hearts and minds of exploration and meaning, we need to include our interests and our art. It is a must. It requires studio space. We need a roomy garage.

So, back to considering low cost single family homes with roomy garages. That will draw us away from Warrenville and farther out among farm lanes and open space. Small towns with ample home inventories – hopefully with suitable garages!

The journey continues. So does our saga!  Stay tuned as we weave our way to new places and home.

August 19, 2013

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