Monday, October 6, 2014

Anniversary of this Blog

Three years ago I began writing this blog. I began with the hope of merely unburdening my mind and emotions of things that frustrate me, things that get the wrong attention from the media, or at least so I thought then. I still feel that way!  The media has not improved its record of covering the real news – cause, effect, result.  Because it doesn't consumers of news don’t have a very good understanding of what is happening, why, and what it very well could mean for the long term.

Those were the things that frustrated me then. Obviously I feel the same today.

Along the way I have explored topics that have emerged, some short lived, others with a half life of eternity, seemingly! I have also pursued deeper thinking on some of these topics. Such thinking is what we all need to do if we are to understand the issues and their consequences.  Deep thinking also exposes biases, huge gaps in information on the subject, as well as creativity. The latter is what we need to solve the problems under discussion or at least to help abate their enormous effects.

I have learned that I don’t know all that I need to know. I also don’t fully understand the very issues that bother me. Writing about them, however, does bring the issues closer so I can see into them more closely and find the questions that need to be asked, researched and answered. That alone is a very difficult task. But it does provide calm to the turmoil. What roiled by peace is now becoming serenity as I pursue answers, understanding and solutions.

I cannot be responsible for others and their obduracy. I can understand them while not accepting their conclusions on issues. We continue to disagree. To cope I sometimes rant. It is allowed in this space! Once that’s out of the way I can continue to seek the facts, the contexts, and the understanding that will possibly bring better answers.  Perhaps these efforts will help others pursue the logic strings I fail to pick up. Together maybe we will all make a difference in these matters.

Having said all of that I can still conclude on this date that the process of public understanding and action have not advanced by much in the past three years.  Oh, there has been some progress. Discussion of the issues is much more prevalent and honest discussions at that. But a lot remains to be done.  Here’s a partial list.

·         The public media continues its move towards complacency and mush
·         Hot button media channels create their own buzz by being more outrageous and partisan than the others
·         Only Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) works hard at asking tough questions, seeking answers and sharing expertise from a broad range of academics and leaders
·         The Congress is still an obstacle to all progress. They make news by doing nothing. But the flare of their attitudes is artless entertainment.
·         Politicians are supposed to be leaders but they dare not get too far ahead of those they wish will follow. Thus, too many leaders don’t lead; they continue to make noise that they wish us to believe is leadership.
·         Academia is muted; they could offer so much clarity to our discussions if they would only engage in public discussion. The media, however, is a poor judge of what is factual and what is not, so far have they wandered off their rightful purpose!
·         International relations continue to be in a state of continual upset. Perhaps that is normal? I think we can do better. Positioning and preening only builds walls between friends and enemies. Why can’t we just be honest and direct in our sharing of disagreements?
·         Disagreements often build into high walls of impossibility. Why not publicly discuss our dreams of the future? Maybe our dreams are similar and can be joined to produce the desired results? God only knows those results we do have are not desired. Can’t we do better at this?
·         The state of the arts is better. There is rampant creativity among our peoples everywhere on the globe and this is a good thing. Perhaps the artists will humanize us all and pull us toward the dream of the future? Could this be possible?
·         Americans still yearn for freedom and peace. They see this as a universal good for all on the globe to experience. Maybe the people on the globe can lead their leaders?

The blog has taught me more about myself. Sometimes I don’t like what I see! But more and more I do understand better the things that upset me the most. Wrestling with these matters is a good thing for me. Readers are my witness to this process and hopefully some of you will join the wrestling match!

Meanwhile we citizens often forget our rightful role in society.  Here’s a quote for Americans that may be instructive:

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution.” ~Abraham Lincoln

How’s that for saying it like it is. The power of the nation comes from its people, not its leaders. The Constitution is the embodiment of the people’s will. It is up to the government to follow that will. Yes that means the Courts, too.

Because the people let their eyes drift from the ball, the nation has experienced terrible woes. Witness this quote from Bernie Sanders, Independent Senator from Vermont:

“When Bill Clinton left office in 2001, this country had a $230 billion surplus. When George W. Bush left office in 2009, he left the country with a $1.3 trillion deficit. That is what the deregulation of Wall Street, two unpaid-for wars and tax breaks for the rich will do.”

Long-term consequences of short term actions are monsters to tame. We need to begin with the short term actions, and study past consequences to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. That’s how the future can be built with increased certainty and justice for all. When voters give up their roles and let ‘leaders’ live their life for them, trouble is most likely. There is a balance between leading and following. Both parties need to understand this better.

For now the people need to instruct the ‘leaders’ to get on with the business of governing. The Congress should focus on the desired end results and stop their political games. It is the common good of the people at risk here. It is the job of the elected to find out what that is and make certain it happens.

When I awake early in the morning my mind is not a blank slate. I doubt yours is, too! Ideas pop up at those moments. Some ideas are old memories, others are fresh views of the future, still others are exciting possibilities clearly envisioned and made more possible. At those times I know about things more clearly. I don’t always know how to use that knowledge. That’s a simple truth I think we all share. But this realization only fuels my quest.

This quote anonymously culled from the internet says it all:

            “Sometimes I wish I could go back and tell myself what I know now.”

Together we can? In the meantime the quest continues as I begin year four of this blog. I hope you remain a participant on this journey.

October 6, 2014

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