Thursday, October 2, 2014

Standing Firm

Defend or offend? Seems simple, doesn't it? Standing up for yourself or your nation if threatened is defense. Taking the first step to harm another person or nation – personal attack (words or physical action) or military assault is an action on the offensive. But it also offends in a broader sense.

That’s why most of us react to a threat. It is natural. It is ‘right’ for us to protect ourselves.

America spends an enormous amount of its treasure annually on defense. Over $630 billion. That’s amount is estimated to exceed the reported defense expenditures of the next ten largest nations including China, Russia and all the rest! Think of that.

I don’t think this is a waste, but at some point it certainly can be said to be. How much is enough?  Well, enough to deter other nations from taking advantage of us, I guess. And who knows what the number is?

On the other hand NATO and the United Nations relies on American defense capabilities to back them up in their diplomatic negotiations with hostile nations. So it is not just the USA being protected, it is much of the global community. We came to the aid of the world in World Wars I and II, and that’s how the global role came to be.

For those unfamiliar or hostile with Americans, we do not wish to be the world’s policeman. We play that role from time to time as willed by other global pressures and leadership which demands that of America. And we comply to be a good global citizen. Have all such decisions been well thought out and correct?  Probably not, but then those decisions are often carefully construed, studied and made after consultation with many foreign leaders. It is not a quick decision unless threat is perilously near.

Having said all of that, what should America do about: the Middle East, mutual defense of Israel, NATO’s defense of Europe, mutual aid agreements with countless nations including the far east and Malaysia and other response initiatives to hostile territories in need of humanitarian support in times of severe natural disasters – earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons. Americans as a people are caring and helpful toward others. Our political leaders support that national spirit of caring and charity. But the political leaders are also charged with defending American interests wherever they may be positioned. These may be economic as well as geopolitical interests.

Because America is a partner with many other nations in these matters, decisions are often multi-lateral. We don’t go it alone. We do it in the name of world peace and stability. We are invited to participate and carry a heavy burden.

This position is in stark relief with other nations who seem to be actors on the stage of world politics; they take a leading role to create events that others react to. Such nations include Russia, China, Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iran and at times Egypt. There are other trouble spots on the planet but those are mostly regional and do not threaten American interests – African nations unsettling each other, south American skirmishes over drug cartels and other would be tyrants.

With China, Russia and Middle Eastern nations, hostile maneuvers and actions often occur first to challenge the status quo.

Watchful of Russia’s actions and intent, America is alert to defending the peace wherever it is threatened. This is because of its requested role in NATO and the UN. Re-sovietizing  eastern European nations is not America’s fear. It is the fear of Poland, the Baltic states and others including Ukraine. Re-establishing political hegemony over this region by Russia will not be allowed. The individual nations must make those decisions. Not America. Working to unsettle the status quo in this region is ill-advised. Putin take note!

America will stand firm in such a challenge and it will do so with the full backing of the UN and NATO.

Rather than spending precious assets on such adventurism, why not build a leading role in education, science and culture, Mr. Putin? Those are the works which will build national strength and pride. And Russia’s economy in global markets. Your nation has much to gain from such efforts. Not from saber rattling. The latter costs a lot of your national treasure and gains you little else.

Bullies often don’t care but the ‘little else’. They merely have to exercise their muscles and influence to feel good about themselves. ‘Tis a pity. The exercise of the opposite will gain much more and at far lesser cost.

Meanwhile, we stand firm. Just remember that Mr. Putin.

October 2, 2014

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