Monday, October 20, 2014

Ebola Scare?

One would think the nation is in the grips of a health crisis. The news is filled with reports of Ebola infections in Africa and the few cases making it to other parts of the globe because of air travel. Two health care workers, a doctor and a nurse, came home from Liberia to America for special care. Both were cured and are back to their careers.

Reports arose of other health care workers returning home from Liberia infected. They were treated, one with faulty protocols and the patient was sent home and then returned to hospital where he died because his infection had not been properly treated.

So, too, a nurse who was not suspected of Ebola infection but was and allowed prematurely to travel to Ohio and back when her infection was diagnosed. She is being successfully treated in Maryland. But she exposed fellow travelers to the disease twice - each leg of your round trip - to say nothing of the family and friends she visited in Ohio. 

And now the nation is on emergency alert to guard against a massive avalanche of infection which will probably not occur.  But you wouldn't know the latter. News media have ramped up their reports and grabbed headlines and attention by just sounding the alarm. And they know what they are doing.  Ratings.

So now Congress is all excited, well not all of Congress. Just the republicans who feel that somehow the Ebola infection is the personal fault of President Obama, and that his administration is fumbling the administrative ball against Ebola. The sky is falling to republicans, and of course they boost that image because they think it makes Obama vulnerable in the mid-term elections, and that is what they are trying to influence.

Such nonsense. Ebola is serious business wherever it exists. America is lending its medical personnel and military systems to aiding the cause in Liberia and elsewhere in western Africa. Those caregivers will return home and their health condition will be carefully monitored before returning home and after they are on homeland soil. Just to be sure. And if they return infected with Ebola, there are several specialized sites set up to quickly respond to their medical needs in quarantine from other medical facilities.

Once again American know-how is being applied to a serious problem. Instead of congratulating this courageous leadership and assistance, politicians have struggled to find the double edged sword. How convenient for them. They risk nothing, but they have plenty to say about that which they know nothing.

No wonder Americans cringe at the sight of a politician! No wonder the brand of republicans is so diminished. They continue to make foolishness a national icon!

I am not worried about contracting Ebola. I trust the experts know what they are doing and are dedicated enough to fulfill their charge to protect the nation’s health. I doubt I am in a situation where I will be exposed to the infection in the first place. But if I am I trust the medical community will take on the challenge immediately.

Notifying Americans that a medical threat does exist is an appropriate role for the media. Blowing it out of all proportion is not an appropriate response. But then they have ratings to chase and add to their ad revenue. Trouble is they look foolish. And are!

So too the politicians who chase the Ebola tragedy in West Africa for political value. They have cheapened themselves and embarrassed the honest, hard working people who are serious about their medical careers and role. And they are brave and selfless in the discharge of their responsibilities.

If only congressmen acted the same. And the news media.

Where were they in the AIDS crisis? The modern day Pandemic?  38 million soles have died. A lot of Americans perished as well. Oh yes; they were gay and not to be worried over. But let’s send $5 billion in aid to Africa to help them. Not much investment in federal dollars for AIDS research. The stigma still shines in the land of the free. But Ebola? It could affect normal people, so we are very afraid!


October 20, 2014

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