A time of quiet. Calm. Peace. Moments to think and feel.
Secure. Not hungry. Embraced by family, and friends, too.
When asked what I want for Christmas I have often stated
“World Peace.” And I meant it then as well as today. It is not easy finding
world peace. Not when so many distrust others and range defensively behind
walls, weapons and armies. And navies and air forces as well. So much energy
and treasure arrayed to protect against enemies known and unknown. So many
people placed in harm’s way so others may feel secure. Feel safe.
Peace on earth ought not be a hope. It ought to be a
reality. It should be the end result of our faithful dealings with other
nations throughout the globe. It should be a natural outgrowth of our diplomacy
and tact. We respect others. We hope they respect us. Together we work on
things that matter to both of our nations. And we make good things happen. For
Seems a simple matter. But it is not.
There are bullies in the world. There are those people who
don’t feel good about themselves unless they feel superior to others. They
niggle and tweak things to create dissension. They magnify that dissension.
Until it is a problem large enough to exercise power. Sovereignty. Defensive
You know the rest. Unnecessary ill will. Unwanted
disagreements. Easily understood and managed most of the time. It takes
goodwill to do this, to manage the disagreements before they become a war of
words and then of bullets or missiles. Goodwill. So basic and yet so easily
Many think goodwill is a weakness in the international
sphere. I don’t. I think it is human, basic. It is simple to understand. It is
simple to proffer to others. Even if they turn it down it works magic.
Eventually. They see others as friends, not enemies.
Not so if our attention and efforts are solely focused on
defense, difference and disagreement.
Focusing only on those elements creates complexities beyond
comprehension. Like the Middle East. Like the Israel and Palestine. Like Putin
and the rest of the world.
Peace is simple. Mankind’s handling of it is not.
Maybe the simple draw will us into fresh thinking and
simplification. Maybe then we will experience peace on earth?
December 25, 2014
May our nation beat its swords into plowshares. Peace.