Wednesday, October 9, 2019

And Then There Was None

Dreams of cohesive society. Pulling together in the same direction. Leaders and followers in synchronization. Logical and synergized. The possibilities clear and very doable.

One by one the leaders fade away. Some were lauded by others, not me; but still they led the way to build a better day for us all. The method was not mine, but the outcomes were still acceptable. Leaders leading. Forging ahead with others researching and engineering the more technical aspects of the way forward.

Then those leaders retire, die or step aside. New ones emerge and carry on. We follow together yet forward. More years added to the momentum. The future is sparkling and bright. It holds much promise of good things for the many.

In recent decades, however, leaders faltered. They picked sides and became more partisan. Their followers became associated with particular ideas. Ideologies. They scrambled for more support from others, parsing arguments narrowly here, and again there. New voices supported the older ones and soon issues have issues and outcomes become blurred. Outcomes not yet happening, but in the offing. Blurred to the point of shifting shapes and meaning. And values. Remember the values.

Soon the objectives are mush. Players begin to lose focus on what they were aiming for, who they are, and why they do what they do. They curry support, votes, numbers. The why loses space for reasoning. Only who is winning, and who is losing.

Confusion strips one leader from the pact, then another. One by one they disappear. Others step up to take their places but soon they too, are gone. Swept away by innuendo, suspicion, yes, even bigotry.

The chorus is now supporters only without leaders. A cacophony of talk, conjecture and blather. Talking heads on media platforms take up the chorus. The noise grows. Still without meaning.

Without meaning, but not without consequence. Oh, consequences always appear; we just don’t know them well to understand their genesis. Or their worth, or damage. Soon enough it will be known, but only when the noise abates just enough for us to think clearly and regain our balance.

Impeachment will provide a time to think. But only then on one person with all his supporters. They will renew the noise. Smart people will focus on the future and our values. New leaders will find a way forward away from the pack of noisemakers. Then – and only then – will our path become clear.

I’m betting the majority of Americans want this nightmare over so we can get back to work. And our values.

October 9, 2019

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